365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2208: Forgot what happened before

  He alone cannot protect Ye Mingmei, let alone save Yu Xiu.

  "You go in the direction of the exit, Qin Youxuan and the others are there. At this time, only they can have the ability to save the young!"


  Yes, look for Qin Youxuan and Shan Hanjie.

   Ye Mingmei seemed to come alive all at once, and ran towards the small warehouse of the exit without thinking.

   dared not even take a breath, rushed out of the cruise ship and rushed to Qin Youxuan, who had come a step late with someone.

   hasn't spoken yet, tears have burst.

  Pointing her finger in the direction of Yu Xiu's accuracy, she firmly grasped Qin Youxuan's arm, "Save him, sister, please help me save him..."

  Ye Mingmei hadn't finished saying a word, she fainted in Qin Youxuan's arms.


  As soon as Qin Youxuan reached out to help her, she noticed the blood on her hand.

  His gaze flicked over her, and she found that her skirt was also slowly leaking blood, and the whole person was shocked.

  Not far away, a muffled sound came clearly.

   "No, we should be late. Someone was a step ahead!" Jiang Jinchen got nervous and quickly led people to the cruise ship.

  "Hurry up, call an ambulance! Mingmei, wake up, don’t scare me!"

  "Give her to me, I'll take her to the hospital!" Jin Chenye gave up the task, stepped forward, grabbed Ye Mingmei in front of Shan Hanjie, hugged Ye Mingmei, turned and walked quickly toward the parking lot.


  Qin Youxuan regained consciousness, but before he could say a word with Shan Hanjie, he ran after him.

  At this time, nothing can compare to Ye Mingmei's safety.

  What's more, look at her situation just now...

  A bad premonition emerged from Qin Youxuan's mind.


  In Ye Mingmei's sight, only a vast expanse of whiteness remained.

  It's like being trapped in a boundless world of ice and snow. The sky is white and the ground is white. Everything you can see in front of you has turned white...

  She tried hard to see what was in front of her, but couldn't see anything.

  There is light around her, but she is like a person in the dark, she can't even see her own hands.

  I was in a daze, as if someone was talking in her ear.

  She couldn't hear clearly.

   opened his mouth and wanted to talk.

When    moved, the pain all over her body suddenly awakened her from her dream.

   "Mingmei, you're awake!" Su Yiru, who had been guarding the hospital bed, said out of joy, and tightly grasped Ye Mingmei's hand. As soon as he spoke, his eyes were red.

   "My poor daughter, how can I not live in peace."


  Ye Mingmeiyi moved her lips, her voice hoarse as if she was a few dozen years old.

  Looking at Su Yiru who was crying, she turned her head and glanced at Qin Youxuan who was standing by her side and did not move forward.

  She vaguely remembered that when she woke up just now, she seemed to hear them arguing...

  It's just that she didn't hear clearly, what was it for.


   "Just wake up, the important thing is that you are fine, you can talk about anything slowly." Qin Youxuan stepped forward and patted Ye Mingmei's shoulder comfortingly.

  Looking at Ye Mingmei who was a little wrong, she twisted her eyebrows.

  How does she feel that Ye Mingmei’s reaction seems to have forgotten what happened before...


   Ye Mingmei nodded obediently, and stretched out her hand to press her brow.

   Just about to lie down, a red flash suddenly flashed in front of her eyes, and her body froze for a moment.

   "Sister, how about Yu Xiuzhun?"

  Like a demon-impaired person, he recovered his sanity in an instant.

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