"It's nothing, just thinking, I don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl." Ye Mingmei raised her head and responded relaxedly.

  Looking at her with a smile on her face, Jin Chenye's gentle pupil flashed slightly and looked at Rui Wei in surprise.

  "Want to know? Then please please me." Rui Wei stood up and raised his face hoarsely.

   "You mean, you already know?" Ye Mingmei's eyes widened in surprise.

  She originally just said this casually, not so anxious, and even had some small expectations.

   but did not expect that Rui Wei would say so.

   "I didn't say I knew, but if you want to know now, it's not difficult."

   "There is no need. Whether it is a man or a woman, it will be everyone's treasure. Don't worry for a while." Jin Chenye stepped forward, put all the things he bought on the table, and opened his lips lightly.

  Ye Mingmei's pregnancy has not been three months, so it is not safe to check the gender of the child at this time.

  "Don’t look at my technique in a conventional way. I'm not an ordinary doctor. Otherwise, Xiao Xuanzi won't have to steal me all the way. I'm very powerful."

  Rui Yu looked at Shang Jin Chenye's questioning eyes, and immediately became annoyed.

   "I didn't doubt what you meant, but I didn't think it was necessary." Jin Chenye walked to the side, poured two glasses of water, walked back to the bed, gave one cup to Ye Mingmei, and put one cup by Rui Wei.

  Neither humble nor overbearing, but also considerate behavior, so Rui Wei can not help but raise his eyebrows.

"I really don't know what to say about you. Such a good person would not treat me better." Rui Wei took a drink, took a sip, waved his hand and walked out the door, "I'm sleepy, first Go to sleep and don't disturb me if there is nothing to do."


  Private villa.

  In the huge living room, a burst of low air pressure swept across.

  On the luxurious leather sofa, Fifth Chosen's handsome figure leaned evilly near the armrest.

  The strange child pupil, shining dangerously, stared at Qin Youxuan fiercely.

   "Where are people?"

   "Who is it?" Qin Youxuan sat awkwardly, blinking her bright cat eyes, glanced around, and looked at the fifth choice in doubt.

  "Don't pretend, no one dared to take her away from me except you." Fifth Chosen's eyes dimmed, reflecting a coldness.

  "What the **** are you talking about, can you make it clear? I really don't understand what dumb riddles you are playing. It's useless to stare at me." Qin Youxuan spread her hands, and her petite body shrank onto the sofa.

   "Rui Wei stayed in the laboratory building the day before yesterday, except you, who would know where I was, and tried to steal people away!" Fifth Xianxian tightened his hands slightly, and his eyes became sharp.

  This is not the first time Qin Youxuan has taken people away from under his nose. How good is his temper to not choke her to death, to see her acting innocent here? !


  A tender voice came from the stairs, Qin Youxuan just raised her head when she saw Ting Ye’s soft body climb down the steps.

  Behind him, Shan Hanjie followed.


  Qin Youxuan breathed a sigh of relief silently when she saw the father and son.

  Get up from the sofa without thinking about it, walked over, and picked up the little guy standing on the ground.

   "What brought you here, I don't remember that I was looking for you." Shan Hanjie stepped forward and glanced at the unhappy Fifth Chosen.

  "What wind, you should ask your woman."

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