No matter what, in the end, the person Yu Xiuzhun is still around must be someone he trusts extremely.

  If it weren't for that assistant, Ye Mingmei couldn't leave safely.

   "It's late today, you should rest at home first, and I will accompany you tomorrow morning."

  Jin Chenye patted her on the head and signaled Ye Mingmei not to worry.

   Ye Mingmei hesitated for a second, thinking of the baby in her stomach, she nodded in compromise, turned around and went back to the room.

  Early the next morning, Ye Mingmei got up just before dawn.

  But when she went downstairs, Jin Chenye had also changed home clothes, and was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a copy of information in his hand.

   Seeing Ye Mingmei come down, she got up from the sofa and handed it to her.

  "This is the information from the investigation. It is about the assistant of Yu Xiuzun. Because he is still an important person in the case, he must be supervised by the police. If you want to help him, I am afraid it will be a bit slower."

  "Thank you, senior." Ye Mingmei took the information in his hand, and was so touched that she didn't know what to say.

   "Let's go." Jin Chenye raised the corner of his mouth, did not refuse her thanks, put his hands in his pockets, and took the lead.

  At the hospital, Jin Chenye took Ye Mingmei to the door of the ward and went to go through the visitor procedures.

  Ye Mingmei stood alone outside the door. After a few seconds, she walked forward and knocked on the door.

   Gently opened the door and walked in.

  White ward, very quiet.

  There is only one hospital bed in the whole room, and there is a table that is as high as the bed next to it.

  The same light color, it looks sad.

  On the table, there is also a vase, and the glass material is shining in the shimmering light.

  This is not the time of the rounds. In the room, there is only one assistant who is still resting, and Ye Mingmei who suddenly appears.

   "Miss Ye."

  As soon as he saw Ye Mingmei, the assistant lying on the hospital bed put his hands on the side of the bed, anxiously trying to get up.

   "Your injury is not healed, let's lie down." Ye Mingmei turned and closed the door, walked forward quickly, reaching out and pressing his shoulder.

   Put all the supplements and fruits on the head of the bed.

"I heard that you got two shots in the abdomen and fell into the sea again. If it were not for good luck, none of the shots were hit. At this time, I am afraid that all... If I hadn't been in the hospital, I should come to see you earlier, sorry ."

   Ye Mingmei stood by the bed, speaking apologetically.

  In order to protect her alone, two people were involved.

   "Hospitalized...Miss Ye, Yu-yo's child...cough cough!" When the assistant heard Ye Mingmei's words, his expression changed suddenly, and he wanted to speak anxiously, but coughed sharply.

  Tearing the wound, his face turned pale.

   "My baby is fine, don't worry." Ye Mingmei stretched out her hand to help him, and when he saw that his face was slightly dark, he poured a glass of water for him.

   "Then Yu Shao..." As soon as the assistant said, both of them blushed at the same time.

  Ye Mingmei sniffed and pulled out a faint smile, "I haven't found it yet."


   "After he fell into the sea, he disappeared. It has been several days without any news." Ye Mingmei was unwilling to say the words of horror.

   "It's all my fault. If I could find Yu Shao quickly, maybe Yu Shao would not disappear... If something happens to Yu Shao, what is the point of me being alive..."

  As the assistant said, the emotional person wanted to pull the needle from the back of his hand.

   "Don't do this, it's none of your business, you first listen to me and finish!" Ye Mingmei regained her consciousness, and quickly reached out and held him down.

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