"It's okay, everything will pass. Close your eyes and sleep well. When you wake up, there will be nothing." Jin Chenye hugged her into his arms and clasped her self-abusing hands.

   Gentle voice, with magical power of bewitching.

   "I can't sleep, as soon as I close my eyes, I will see Yu Xiuzhun, I beg him not to leave, he ignores me..." Ye Mingmei said, tears in the corners of her eyes kept falling.

  The hands were clenched into fists hard, the skin of the nails pierced into the skin, the palms were already bloody, but she seemed to feel no pain.

   "Mingmei, you have to remember that you still have a baby. This is Yu Xiuzhun's child, don't you want it anymore?" Jin Chenye noticed that her body was slightly stiff, and quickly picked her up and walked back to the ward.

   Gently lay her flat on the bed and cover her with quilt.

  "Not only the baby, but even the death of Yu Xiuzun is still unknown. Didn't you still believe that he was alive before?"


  Ye Mingmeijiu raised her head, beautiful eyes, looking at Jin Chenye with expectation, her lips moved, wanting to ask something, but she didn't dare to ask.

  She is afraid to hear any negative answers.

  "I can’t guarantee that Yu Xiu will be fine, but if you don’t see the corpse one day, you can’t treat him as dead one day. It’s too early for you to give up now, do you understand?"

  Jin Chenye covered her with a quilt, and saw that Ye Mingmei had become obedient, then turned to the bathroom, wrung a hot towel for her, and wiped away the tears on her face.

  They all felt that Ye Mingmei thought that Yu Xiu was about to die, and she was more able to give up.

   but forgot, if a person really gives up, there is no desire-hope to live.

   "Take care of yourself and your children. As long as you are alive for one day, you will have the opportunity to wait for the person you want to wait."

   "Will he come back?" Ye Mingmei grabbed his hand, her tone of anxiety, like a child waiting for affirmation.

  Elk-like eyes, all fragile and helpless.

   "As long as you are willing to wait, there is nothing impossible. You have to think this way. If you give up, one day he will come back to you after all the hardships and find that you are gone, how desperate will he be?"


   "And your baby, he is less than three months old, and it is too late to open his eyes to see the world, do you have the heart to let him leave with you?"


  Ye Mingmei's eyes dimmed, and she moved her hand to her belly.

   Feel the presence of the baby.

  In her memory, Yu Xiuzun had no chance to touch their baby...

  She can't be so selfish, she has to wait.

  Waiting for him to come back.

  Let him see their baby with his own eyes and hug the baby with his own hands.

  "Don't think about anything, close your eyes and sleep well." Jin Chenye's soft voice whispered in his ear.

  The breeze blew in from outside the window.

   with a hint of coolness.

   Ye Mingmei looked at his gentle and handsome face tiredly, and slowly closed his eyes.


  In this sleep, Ye Mingmei slept very deeply.

  He was so heavy that he didn't want to wake up.

  She always wanted to see Yu Xiuzun in her dream, but no matter how she slept, Yu Xiuzun never appeared.

  It seems to be tired of her, so tired that even in the dream, I don’t want to look at her again.

  Ye Mingmei opened her eyes, blinked her eyes, she turned over and sat up without waiting for the people around her to react.

   turned his head and looked at Jin Chenye seriously.

   "I want to go to a law firm. I want everything Yu Xiuzhun left me!"

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