365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2232: Haven't been out for two days

  Ye Mingmei walked in and touched the soft crib with her long fingers.

  Go to the small desk and look at the model of a racing car on it.

  On the car, there is another card.

  "If it is a daughter, I will teach her to dance, if it is a son, learn to race..."

  Before reading the content on the card, Ye Mingmei’s eyes were covered with tears and her eyes were blurred.

  It was all arranged by Yu Xiuzhun himself, but he didn’t have time to see his baby with his own eyes...

   "It's late, you should eat."

  Jin Chenye noticed that her emotions were out of control, and reached out to block Ye Mingmei’s eyes, took the card from her hand, and put it back on the table.

  Hugged Ye Mingmei up, turned around and left the apartment.

   "Senior, did I do something wrong?"

   "You are not wrong. If it weren't for you, Yu Xiuzhun might never know that he did something wrong. He is willing to turn his head back. You should be happy for him." Jin Chenye opened his lips confidently.

   "But he has no chance..." Ye Mingmei bit her lip, looked back at the closed elevator door, and disappeared in front of the apartment. The two baby rooms were engraved in her heart like a brand.

   "That's fate, it has nothing to do with you." Jin Chenye hugged her out of the elevator. Without giving Ye Mingmei a chance to think about it, he hugged her and walked toward the parking lot.

  As soon as she got in the car, Ye Mingmei's mobile phone rang.

   glanced at the caller ID, unexpectedly looked up at Jin Chenye, "It's the phone of the Ye family villa."

  After speaking, Ye Mingmei picked it up.

  After listening to it for a while, the phone hung up.

   Ye Mingmei's face changed slightly, and she bit her lip nervously.

"What happened?"

   "My mother... The butler said that she hadn't been out of the room for two days, and she didn't let anyone in, so she stayed in the room alone." Ye Mingmei's eyes were slightly red, and she looked at Jin Chenye helplessly.

   "Senior, did I disappoint my mother this time?"

   "Auntie just didn't want to open it for a while, it will be better after a while, you don't need to take it too seriously." Jin Chenye patted her on the head, "Do you want to go back and see?"


   Ye Mingmei nodded quickly.

  Since she was young, she has been the jewel in the palm of the Ye family.

   Ye Zhanxing and Su Yiru are really like their biological daughters to her.

  Especially Su Yiru, all of her efforts have been put on her. She has no ambitions, and has been worrying them all the time.

  As long as I think of it, Ye Mingmei feels very uncomfortable.

  "Okay, don't think too much, let's go back and see now, my aunt is not a child, she won't use her body to be angry with you." Jin Chenye comforted, turned the front of the car, and drove out of the community.

  When they arrived at Ye's house, the butler was already waiting anxiously at the gate.

   Seeing Ye Mingmei, she walked forward quickly.

"Miss, you can count as coming back. Since the last time she came back from the hospital, the lady has shut herself in the room. The subordinates called several times, and the lady only ordered not to disturb people. It has been two days, Mi Shui How can your body stand it if you don't enter?"

   "You ask to prepare some light food, and then bring it to me, I will serve it in a while."

  Ye Mingmei gave an order and stepped upstairs.

   When I arrived at Su Yiru’s bedroom, I found that the door was tightly closed and it was locked.

   knocked a few times, but no one echoed.

   "How can it be so quiet? Could something happen inside?"

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