"You less, please stay."

   "Any tricks, let them go!" Jiang Jinchen walked in front, finished speaking boldly, and quickly retracted behind Shan Hanjie, "He's here to block!"

  "Actually, it is not a difficult task. According to domestic customs, for the sake of a peaceful and successful wedding, there is a little game where a couple bites an apple together."

  The housekeeper's words fell, and several men breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

   is just biting an apple, which is much simpler than thousands of push-ups.

  Furthermore, this is the activity of the bride and groom. They must see the bride first, right?

   "I'm sorry Jie Shao, the bride can't let you see for the time being." The butler stretched out his hand and stopped the men who were about to step forward.


   "Because I'm worried about the first time, I don't have the experience to do it well, so I hope that the young masters will practice a little bit first, and then let you see the bride when they become proficient." The butler explained neither humble nor overbearing.

   "We big men, if we don't let the bride and bridesmaids out, who shall we practice with?" Jiang Jinchen raised his eyebrows, always having a bad premonition.

   "Of course, several young masters helped each other to practice. If the apple does not bite, and the mouth touches the mouth, even if it fails, it will take a total of ten successes to pass.

   "What are you talking about?! Is this the groom or our best man?! You let our big men play this kind of kiss game, and it will not be laughable if we spread it out!"

  Jiang Jinchen was the first to quit, and he shook his hand and walked forward. As soon as he was about to rush, he was stared back by Shan Hanjie.

  They are here to pick up the bride, not to grab the bride.

   "Jie, this means it's a prank, where is it practicing." Jiang Jinchen shrank back, looking at the red apple in the steward's hand, his handsome face turned green.

   "None of you count on me anyway." Fifth Chosen gave up the struggle early in the morning and retreated far.

  Thousands of push-ups just now made his shirt soak. As a arrogant man with cleanliness, it is a miracle that he still endures no attacks until now.

  The fifth choice is unwilling, so there is only one Jiang Jinchen left.

  Shan Hanjie gave him a sideways glance, and Jiang Jinchen, who had no time to hide, could only confess his fate.

  A red apple tied with a red rope, hung high between the two.

  Jiang Jinchen stared at the apple in front of him fiercely, just like staring at the killing of his father and enemy. As soon as the housekeeper shouted, he immediately rushed towards the apple with lightning speed.


  At the moment of the death, the butler pulled the rope, Jiang Jinchen didn't have time to retreat, so he slammed into Shan Hanjie's face with teeth and claws.

  The two handsome faces are pasted together, mouth to mouth.


  A scream like a pig, instantly sounded.

  Shan Hanjie's face sank, he kicked Jiang Jinchen out with his foot, turned around, and quickly entered the bathroom, brushing his teeth!

   "Who thought of this trick? I'm going to strangle him!" Jiang Jinchen's tall body rolled off the sofa, reached out his hand to support his broken waist, and stared at the housekeeper viciously.

  The butler smiled slightly and spoke unhurriedly.

  "Ms. Ning’s idea is to let the Third Young Master practice. You will use it at your wedding. The Third Young Master seems to dislike it very much."

  The butler paused, looked at Jiang Jinchen, who was looking stiff, and added another sentence.

   "San Xiao, the monitor in this living room, but it is connected to the bridal room, Miss Ning is listening to what you say."

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