365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2244: Take advantage of the opportunity

   Pointed to Jiang Jinchen on the screen and patted Ning Yanan on the shoulder.

   "I guess your husband must have greeted you hundreds of times in his heart now, haha..."

  "Don't laugh at me, I don't believe that you don't want to tidy up these arrogant men in your heart, and let out a bad breath. I am at the request of the public. How can I usually have such an opportunity."

  Ning Yanan stared at the monitor, clapping her hands with joy.

  Among all the people, I’m afraid that only Qin Youxuan is still nervous. I wish they were stuck in the living room and couldn’t win, so she wouldn’t have to marry today.

   "Oh, as expected, Ji Shao, I have mastered the essence so quickly, and I have succeeded in one!" Ye Mingmei cheered excitedly when he saw Shan Hanjie who accurately bit an apple in the monitor.


  As soon as her voice fell, Rui Wei slapped her on the back of the head.

   "They won, what are you happy about? Little traitor."

   "This is the first one, am I not surprised." Ye Mingmei rubbed the back of her head and continued to stare at the monitor.

  Shan Hanjie and Jiang Jinchen have completely broken open. After the initial tweaking and putting them down, the two people's fierce skills, even the housekeeper was dumbfounded, and they forgot to draw the rope several times, allowing them to frequently succeed.

   "The housekeeper is clearly releasing the water! This time I didn't even pull the rope!" Ning Yanan stood up, really wishing that the person standing there pulling the rope was herself.

  This is the fourth one. If this trend continues, this level will soon be broken!

   "So handsome!" Ye Mingmei put her cheeks in her hands, where she could still care about winning or losing, she leaned against Rui Hua, and looked at the two men showing their talents in the camera with eyesight.

   "It's a pity that the fifth choice is not to play. If he hears you praise other men so much, I am afraid he will regret his death!"

  Ning Yanan glanced sideways at Ye Mingmei and Rui Wei who were only looking at the beautiful boy, jokingly.

   "If it's him, I don't need to watch it." Rui Wei chuckled her mouth, and glanced at Fifth Chosen who was sitting on the sofa in disgust.

  "It's the ninth, it's the ninth! The last one!" Ye Mingmei, who had been intently reporting the battle situation in time, and everyone gathered in front of the monitor in the next second.

   stared straight at the final blow.

  Looking at Shan Hanjie and Jiang Jinchen’s tacit cooperation, couldn’t help clapping their hands and exclaiming!

   Ning Yanan: "This hand, I give full marks!"

  Ruihua: "It would be even more perfect if it could end with a kiss for a century!"

   Ye Mingmei: "Let two men kiss each other, your taste is really strong!"

  Qin Youxuan: "They are coming in. Can you guys think about my nervousness?"

  Everyone: "If you should marry, just marry, they will come in!"

  Qin Youxuan: "..."

   "Aunt Ru, you don't think they are helping me." Qin Youxuan reached out and grabbed Su Yiru, his face was hesitant, and he looked more nervous than Shan Hanjie who was through the barrier.

   "They said nothing wrong. Your father's business has passed. Jie Shao is willing to make up the wedding again, which shows that he cares about you very much. You should also learn from him and live your life with an open heart."

After Su Yiru's words fell, she became silent.

   Thinking of Ye Zhanxing, she was the most uncomfortable person.

  Especially now that Ye Mingmei is still pregnant with Yu Xiuzhun's child, she is worried that it is dangerous for Ye Mingmei to live outside alone, but she can't reach the hurdle in her heart to take her back to Ye's house.

   "I will live with him now, why do I have to have a wedding?"

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