She was nervous as if her heart was about to pop out of her chest.

  The hand was held by Shan Hanjie. She was just hesitating whether to give him a hint, when she saw Shan Hanjie suddenly pulled her up, took her into her arms, and stretched out her hand to tear off the blindfold.

   Seeing the person in front of him clearly, he lowered his head and kissed it.


  Qin Youxuan's eyes widened by mistake, and looked at Shan Hanjie with a firm look in disbelief.

   "I recognize every place on your body, let alone touching your hands, just touching your hair, I can recognize it." Shan Hanjie's long fingers stroked her delicate eyebrows, and the corners of her mouth evoked a wicked smile.

   lowered her head to Qin Youxuan’s ear, using a voice that only two people could hear, “I can recognize you immediately without touching the smell on your body.”


  She is really a pig! I even forgot about this, and worried for him for so long!

  Such a simple level, this big tail wolf is really cheap!

  Qin Youxuan just wanted to reach out to report Shan Hanjie's cheating, her mouth was blocked.

   "I found it out so quickly..."

Ning Yanan unexpectedly looked at the two kissing each other, turned her face and punched Jiang Jinchen in the chest, "Asshole, you touched my hand for half an hour and didn't recognize it, and said that this trick can stump Jie Shao. For an hour, I believe you, really blind!"

  "Wife, accident, this is definitely an accident. Qin Youxuan must have secretly hinted to Jie just now, but we didn’t find out. Just don’t count, do it again! Do it again!"

  Jiang Jinchen's chest hurts, and he dared not even shout, holding Ning Yanan's hand, he began to repent.

  It is said that the groom abused, why are all the best men abused today? !

  "Fuck you, fortunately, the next level is not set by you, otherwise I am afraid it will take less than ten minutes!" Ning Yanan withdrew her hand and continued to order the housekeeper to change to the next question.

  Shan Hanjie, who passed the first level easily, narrowed his eyes, sat on the sofa calmly, raised his eyebrows and looked at the question board that appeared in front of him.

  "Jie Shao, the second level is a great test of the tacit understanding of the couple. Both spouses answer three questions together. If the answer is the same, one point will be counted. If the answer is the same, there will be no points.

  Yao stood on the side and spoke the rules sternly.

   Seeing that Shan Hanjie and Qin Youxuan had no opinion, they reached out and tore open the first question on the question board.

  "Where did you first meet?"


  Looking at the question on the question board, Qin Youxuan’s thoughts seemed to revert back to the time when she first returned to F city from the United States.

  Young and vigorous, love-hate is clear... He only wants to drive Jin Lan and Jin Chenye out of Qin's house.

  Even in order to be angry with Jin Lan, he got drunk with the drunk he had poured himself into, so that he drove into Shan Hanjie.

  A mistake changed the fate of two people.

  At that time, she thought stupidly that the first time they met, it was in Zhishang.

  If it hadn’t been that press conference, Shan Hanjie had come from the sky to rescue her, she would never have known that their fate came so early, so much earlier than she thought.

  This is the most miraculous part of fate, she does not remember, he remembers it for her.

  Qin Youxuan raised her cat's eyes, picked up the pen and paper, and began to write the answer.

   "I drove into him."

   "On the road, she drove into me."

  The answers of the two people are almost the same.

  Qin Youxuan raised her head to look at him, and just happened to crash into Shan Hanjie's deep evil eyes, with her eyes facing each other, her eyes full of happiness.

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