365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2260: You can't control this!

   "What's more, if you know my rules, you can come to my case specifically, you can't solve it." Fifth Chosen's tone is very indifferent, as if to say something insignificant.

  But everyone in this laboratory building will not doubt the authenticity of this sentence.

  Fifth, choosing leisure is also good and evil, and practicing medicine has never been to help the world.

  Dare to find him, and don’t expect him to make a move if you don’t leave anything that attracts him.

  It depends not only on the money, but also on whether he is in a good mood or not.

   Obviously, his wife is divorcing him now, and he is in a bad mood.

  No matter how good your condition is, he doesn’t want to be treated or not.

   "You are a dog who looks down on people, I have to ask for a doctor today!" As soon as Rui Wei came up, he looked at his assistant without saying anything, "Who is from Yu's family to seek medical attention?"

   "I said, you can't care about this!" The Fifth Chosen took a heavy hand, hugged a princess Rui Wei who was deliberately angry with her, and turned back to the room.

   Turned around and pressed someone onto the bed, preventing her from having a chance to protest, so she blocked her lips.

  "The first annoying ghost, I hate you..."

  Rui Wei squinted her eyes, too tired to even bother to move her fingers, turned over, and lay down on the pillow, muttered dazedly, and fell asleep.


  Fifth Chosen's chest choked, unspeakable heart.

  Long fingers scraped her delicate cheeks, her eyes flashed slightly.

  Fifth Chosen never thought that one day he would actually worry about her leaving, so worried that he desperately hoped that she would be pregnant with his child.


   "Where did you say she went?"

   "Back to the master, Miss Rui Wei slipped out of the laboratory building, and just found the note she left on the table, saying that she is back to Germany." The assistant shook his hand slightly and handed the note up.

  Fifth Xianxian pulled over and took a look, his eyes sank, he swung everything on the table to the ground, grabbed his coat, and quickly walked out of the laboratory.

   "Go to the airport!"

  Fifth Xianxian pinched the note in his hand into a ball, remembering Rui Wei, who had fled after waking up, and his handsome face was full of cold light.

  "Young Master Zexian, Yu's family has sent someone to ask again. It seems that I am in a hurry, so I really don’t need to go and see..." Before the assistant had finished speaking, he was stared back by the fifth Zexian.

   Turned his head, drove busily, heading for the airport.

As soon as the plane arrived in Germany, a few people in black walked out from the airport and stepped forward respectfully, "Master Xianxian, our Patriarch will ask your subordinates to pick you up. By the way, let Master Xianxian be heard. At the invitation of the colonel, he will attend the banquet of the Celter family. This time he has just set off."

   "Go to Duke once you return to Germany, she really knows how to **** me off." Fifth Chosen gritted his teeth fiercely. The black suit made his enchanting face look cold and noble.

   His eyes deepened slightly, and he waved his hand and walked towards the black luxury car outside the airport.

   drove the car and rushed straight to the house of the Celter family in Germany.

  As soon as the car arrived, I saw the car parked at the gate, exclusive to the Adolf family.

   Push the car door and walk down, and walked to the front of the car, only to find that there was no one in the car.

Where did Ruihua go?

   "Master, if we want to enter the Celtic family dinner, we need an invitation letter, but this is a temporary intention, the invitation letter I am afraid..."

"To report my name, I told the Celtic family that it is my fifth choice who is coming to pick up my wife. Let me see who dares not let me in!" The fifth choice of Xian's eyes dimmed, and a reflection appeared. Liguang.

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