"It's not about divorcing me, I thought you wouldn't want me to go back with you now." Fifth Chosen looked at her jokingly.

   Hearing Rui Hua's initiative to ask him to go home to live, the sullen anger slowly dissipated.

  A pair of strange evil eyes, glowing with light, staring at Rui Wei scorchingly.

  "Then don't go, I'll go back by myself." Rui Hua blinked his eyes and slapped his hands happily.

  If Fifth Chosen is willing to let her go home alone, then she really has to thank God!

   Then, as soon as Rui Wei finished speaking, he found that the assistant had driven the car out of the Celtic family's realm, and the fifth Xianxian's hands were still holding her waist tightly.

  Sure enough, she thought too much, how could he let her go home alone.

  Tossing all day, Rui Wei was already drowsy before arriving at Adolf’s house.

  Worried that Fifth Chosen would check her body, and found that she was not suffering from a stomachache at all, so she pinched her thigh to prevent herself from falling asleep.

  Waiting for Fifth Chosen to hug her back to the room, Rui Wei took advantage of the trend and hid in the bed, pulled the quilt and completely surrounded herself.

   "It's not that I'm hungry, I'll let you make porridge." Fifth Chosen took her out of the bed, touched her forehead with a big hand, and found that the temperature was normal, so he was ready to get her pulse.

  Before she touched her with her hand, Rui Hua pulled her hand back first, and then retracted into the bed.

   "I feel better, I am tired now, can I go to bed first?" Rui Hua's enchanting eyes blinked pitifully, biting their lips, and looking at Fifth Chosen pleadingly.

   almost said that she was also a doctor, she thought she was okay.

"it is good."

  Fifth chooses leisure to see her avoidance, only when she is not happy to chase after her, her eyes flashed, and she hugged her to sleep.

   "There is a guest room next door, don't sleep with me!" Rui Wei looked at the man who turned over and lay next to her, sat up like an electric shock, and wanted to kick him up.

   "Where is my wife, where is my room, or you can't sleep and want to do something else with me?" Fifth Chosen easily grabbed her feet, put them in her arms, and warmed her feet.

  Deep eyes, greasy, don't stare at Rui Hua who is complaining with a hint.

   "I'm so sleepy, you can sleep wherever you love." Rui Wei was staring at him with an agitated spirit, rolled over the quilt and began to pretend to be dead.

  She is really sleepy.

   Dressed up and fell asleep soon.

  I slept very deep this time. She felt that the people next to her had left, and she couldn't open her eyes if she wanted to open her eyes.

  She had never been so sleepy, she was as heavy as she was tied to a stone, and she couldn't move at all.

  嚯 opened his eyes and saw the bright sunshine outside the window, Rui Wei looked at it for more than ten seconds before slowly regaining consciousness.

  Turning around, there is no one in the room anymore.

  Where did the fifth choice of leisure go?

   Rui Hua opened the quilt, ran to the door quickly, opened the door and found that there was no one in the living room.

  The machine can't be lost!

  Ruihua changed his clothes without saying a word, and walked to the living room to ask the housekeeper.

  "Young Master Xianxian was called away by the master. It seems that there is an important matter to discuss. Now people should be in the study."

"I have something to go out now. If Fifth chooses to ask, you will say that I am just going to the yard to relax and I will be back right away." After Rui Wei finished speaking, he didn't give the housekeeper a chance to refuse, so he turned his head and ran out. .

  Get in the car and drive out towards the pharmacy.

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