"Not yet, if she wakes up later, will aunt let her play with Tingye again?"

  Ye Mingmei smiled softly, and squeezed the little guy's cheek in a petting manner.

  Hands fell on her stomach, thinking that she would be a mother soon, her expression became more and more feminine.

   "Then I'll kiss my little sister in a while." Xiao Tingye squeezed his hands together, staring at Ye Mingmei's belly eagerly.

  Mom said that there was a little princess living there, and he really wanted to see what the little princess looked like.

   "You came just right, and I was discussing with Rui Wei just now that I want to see you." Qin Youxuan stepped forward and hugged Ting Ye.

  The little guy is getting stronger and stronger, and she almost can't hold it anymore.

   "Look for me?" Ye Mingmei was startled, and her expression became flustered, "What's wrong with Dad?"

   "No, no, Uncle Ye is fine! I want to see you, by the way, I want to ask you for help." Rui Wei walked forward and supported Ye Mingmei's somewhat cumbersome body.

   winked at her.

   Following Tingye’s appearance, she reached out and touched Ye Mingmei’s belly, "Are you sure it’s a daughter?"

   "No, I hope to have a daughter." Ye Mingmei smiled calmly, and responded lightly.

  Yunxiu has been involuntarily involuntarily all her life, and she does not want their children to be so hard.

  And she has a hunch that Yu Xiuzhun will also like her daughter.

   Thinking of Yu Xiuzhun, Ye Mingmei's eyes dimmed.

   "I'm the same as you think." Rui Hua attached to Ye Mingmei's ear, whispered a few words, and held her hands nervously, "Can you help me?"

   "This is not a difficult thing, wait for me, I will go to see my father and accompany you." Ye Mingmei was slightly stunned, and looked at Rui Wei's belly somewhat unexpectedly.

  Her belly is very flat, and there is no trace of pregnancy at all.

   "Don't worry, I won't say anything." Ye Mingmei smiled, turned around and entered the villa.

  Ruihua looked at her back and suddenly became a little nervous.

  Walking around in the yard awkwardly, watching Qin Youxuan who was playing next to Tingye, walked forward, and hugged the little guy.

  Walk around the courtyard.

   "I said grandma, it's not such a toss about a good physique. You should rest more at this time." Qin Youxuan stopped the person and said, "Mingmei will be out soon. You can sit quietly for a while."

   "I can't sit still!" Rui Wei just sat down, got up again, rubbed his palms, and wished to go to the hospital immediately.

"What's the matter with you, just want to have a checkup, how can you make it the same as you have a terminal illness." Qin Youxuan frowned in confusion, "And with the fifth choice of leisure medical skills, you should not need Ye's The doctor in the hospital is right."

   "It's because of his excellent medical skills. If he wants to hide anything from me, I will never know." Rui Wei stomped anxiously.

  "You are pregnant with his child. He is too happy at this moment. What can he hide from you?"

   "I'm not sure now, I hope I am suspicious." Rui Weida pulled his eyelids, afraid to look at Qin Youxuan's eyes.

  She doesn’t even know now, the baby that Fifth Chosen said is okay, is it true? She just wants an answer.

   Seeing Ye Mingmei walking out, she hurriedly greeted her.

   pulled her into the car and told the driver to go to the hospital.

   "Rui Hua..."

  Qin Youxuan was stunned in the same place, even without a chance to speak, the car disappeared in front of her eyes.


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