"It's not right..."

   Rui Hua bit her lip, frowning tangledly.

   Is it her birthday?

  The fifth choice of leisure is not like such a romantic person.

   Rui Wei's eyes flickered, and she entered her own birthday again.

"Wrong password, please re-enter."

   is still wrong.

  The fifth choice is free, did you raise my junior outside, and use the birthday of the junior? !

   Ruiwei stomped annoyed, and lost their wedding anniversary again.

  "The password has been locked after three incorrect entries."


The alarm on the   floor suddenly rang, and the sharp sound made Rui Wei startled.

  The next second, the number of the elevator starts to jump.

  As soon as the door opened, countless black hole muzzles were all aimed at her head.

  As soon as he saw Rui Hua standing in front of the ward, the assistant who rushed up with him was also stunned.

  "Miss Ruihua, why are you here? The master is leading people to find you."


   Rui Hua opened her mouth, thinking of the test result she found, suddenly she didn't know what to say.

  'S eyes fell on the fifth E-xian who came out of the elevator, and Zi pupil tightened.

  He is a dusty man, and even the shirt and corners of his shirt are covered with dust.

  The same on the trouser legs.

  The charming face of the enchanting, fainted a layer of deep light, making people unable to see his mind.

  Silver-white pupils, in the dim light, become more and more fascinating.

   He locked his eyes firmly on Rui Hua's face, stepped towards her, reached out and woked her chin and raised her head.

   "You suddenly disappeared, just came here?" Fifth Chosen pressed his finger, "Do you know how many people are worried about you being so capricious!"

   "Pain..." Rui Hua pushed his arm and took a breath.

  Fifth Chosen has a gloomy face, so angry that she can't wait to smoke her.

   Hearing her voice, his hand-jin still relaxed unconsciously.

   "Do you know how nervous I will be when you suddenly disappeared? You are pregnant with a baby, so you can't stay by my side obediently?"

   "Fifth Chosen, would you still dare to mention the baby with me?" Rui Wei's eyes were red, and Huo Er looked up at him.

   pushed his arm away hard.

   "You liar, don't touch me!"

   "What are you talking about." Fifth Chosen stretched out his arm, and circled the emotional Rui Hua into his arms, "Speak clearly first!"

   "I have been to the Ye's hospital. The person who went for the checkup was not Ye Mingmei, it was me!" Rui Wei raised his head, looked at him with awe-inspiring eyes, and stepped back unconsciously.

   "You changed my inspection report, right?"

  "What nonsense are you talking about." Fifth Chosen's eyes flashed, and the arm that was holding her tightened suddenly, "Just because of the results of a few inexperienced doctors checking for you, you suspect me?"


   Rui Hua's body shook, and she looked up at him in shock, hoping to see a trace of guilty conscience or a trace of lying in his eyes.

  But no.

Nothing at all.

  Only as always with certainty.

  If she hadn't seen the report in his computer with her own eyes, I am afraid she would start to doubt herself if she looked at him at the moment.

  Fifth choose leisure, you can even lie to me, you can be justified.

  How can she dare to believe him in the future? !

  Ruihua couldn't help trembling all over, pushed him away, turned and walked into the elevator.

  Footsteps were too fast and almost hit the elevator door.

  As soon as he entered the elevator, he pressed the first floor frantically.

"Where are you going!"

  The fifth Xianxian stretched out her arm, jammed the elevator door, turned and pressed her into the elevator.

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