
  Qin Youxuan's eyes widened in surprise, she was really as she thought, he could not find evidence, she was convicted.

  He is going to accompany her to the last meal...


  Qin Youxuan was hit **** the forehead.

   "Whatever you think, if you are not guilty, you must also be released from prison, otherwise it will be called absconding."

  Shan Hanjie slapped the people sideways, walked back to the villa in strides, and went straight into the restaurant.

  On the table, the butler has already set up a table of dishes.

   is an authentic Chinese meal, still steaming.


  Qin Youxuan is still struggling with these four words, and she can't recall it for a while.

  "Don’t eat yet, I’ll send you back to the police station if I’m full."


  Qin Youxuan was taken aback, reached out and grabbed his arm, "Shan Hanjie, have you found the evidence? I really will be acquitted?"

  “Innocent release sometimes does not necessarily require evidence.” Shan Hanjie curled his lips coldly, glanced at her stunned pretty face, and stretched out his hand to pinch.

  Tighten firmly.

  Qin Youxuan yelled in pain and slapped his hand.

   glared at him.

"Meng Ziqi has gone to the police station to retract a confession, admitting that Jin Lan wanted to kill you, but accidentally wounded her, she was too frightened to fall off the building." Shan Hanjie turned a blind eye to Qin Youxuan's anger and picked up a piece of greasy chopsticks. The greasy braised pork was put into her bowl.

   "Eat, grow meat."

  After finishing speaking, she still swept around her chest.

it goes without saying.

   "Whatever you look at, it won't grow there after eating!" Qin Youxuan stretched out her hand to cover her chest, and continued to stare at him.

  Dan Hanjie nodded indifferently, "I know, I'm just thinking about whether manual services can work."

   "What kind of human service, you should be 10086...sexy!" Qin Youxuan responded and blushed.

  A meal is full of colors.

  Until Shan Hanjie hugged him into the car, Qin Youxuan still found it incredible.

   "Meng Ziqi really went to the police station to retrieve the confession?" How could it be possible!

  She tried so hard to watch her conviction, preferably life imprisonment, so that she would never have any worries.

   "Hmm." Shan Hanjie half-closed his eyes, hugged Qin Youxuan in his arms, played with her slender fingers, and snorted casually.

   "Did you do anything to her?" Otherwise, how could Meng Ziqi suddenly discover her conscience.

   "I've grown my mind, no longer believe that your law will give you justice?"


  Such a handsome face, why do you have such a sullen mouth?

  She believes in the law. There are still more good people than bad people in this world.

   "Shan Hanjie, did I really kill and you will save me?" Qin Youxuan suddenly jumped out, and when he spoke, he became nervous again.

  He can return her innocence without finding any evidence. If she really kills someone, can he also settle it?

  "You can try it." Shan Hanjie raised his evil eyes, glanced at her sideways, and then closed lazily.

  As if she said something funny.


  He just tried it!

  She didn’t want to kill.

  Something flashed in Qin Youxuan's mind, and her body became stiff.

   "It was different that time. Those people are more damned than you. Forget it." Shan Hanjie reached out and held down the back of her head, glanced at her pale face, and made a deep voice.

  Qin Youxuan swallowed her saliva and nodded stiffly.

  The car stopped at the police station soon, and Qin Youxuan could not help but feel nervous when returning to this place again.

   "Miss Qin, the media has received the news, and will come over soon and follow me from here."

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