"At this time, I should go to the hospital as soon as possible. Why do I have to go to Fifth Chosen?" Jin Chenye widened his eyes in surprise, and looked at Shan Hanjie unexpectedly.

   "No time to explain to you, do as I said!" Shan Hanjie pulled aside Qin Youxuan, who was also pale, and strode out.

  Jin Chenye squinted his eyes, glanced at Ye Mingmei who was already speechless, and quickly followed.

  "Contact Fifth Chosen and ask him to prepare the operating room in advance. The helicopter will stop directly on the green ground behind his laboratory building. Hurry up."

   "Yes, the subordinates will make arrangements." Yao nodded respectfully.

   Raised her head and glanced at Ye Mingmei, who was still crying pain, a trace of unbearableness flashed across her eyes.

   "Mingmei, bear with me, you will be here soon, for the baby, you have to hold on!" Qin Youxuan knelt on the ground, holding Ye Mingmei's hand tightly.

  Her face and hands were stained with blood.

  'S skirt is even more dyed red.

  Looking at Ye Mingmei in front of her, there seemed to be a scene of Ting Ye who was born before her.

  She was also born prematurely, and if she was not careful, she would kill two lives.

  Compared to outsiders, she understands Ye Mingmei’s feelings at this moment better.

  If there was no fifth choice at the time, I am afraid that even she would be dead.

  So when Shan Hanjie proposed to send Ye Mingmei to the experimental building of Fifth Chosen, she almost agreed without even thinking about it.

  I never thought about it, what is the meaning in it.

When the helicopter arrived, Wu Zexian had already taken his medical team on the grass, took the person from Jin Chenye, and carried it to the ambulance and pushed it into the operating room.

  "Fifth Chosen, Mingmei is already pitiful enough, please, you must save this child!" Qin Youxuan looked at Ye Mingmei who was about to be pushed into the operating room, and nervously grabbed the fifth Chosen's arm.


  Fifth Chosen looked back at her, his eyes were indifferent and cold, but there was a hint of arrogance.

   seemed to be dissatisfied with Qin Youxuan's suspicion of him, raised her eyebrows, and said nothing.

  Qin Youxuan didn't have time to say anything, so she took Hanjie into her arms.

   Watching Ye Mingmei being pushed into the operating room.

  Before entering the operating room, Fifth Zexian raised his head and glanced at Shan Hanjie. Shan Hanjie’s face was calm, but he looked back at him faintly, and both of them were secretive in their eyes.

   "I want to go in and help too!" Receiving the news, Rui Hua hurried over. Just as he was about to enter the operating room, he was stopped by Fifth Xianxian.

   "You are pregnant, so you are not suitable for this kind of surgery." Fifth Chosen looked at Rui Hua, whose stomach had just seen the curvature, and raised her eyebrows helplessly.

  The expressionless face opened a gap in an instant.

  He can ignore anyone, but Rui Wei has a temper, and he really has nothing to do.

   "The baby is only three months old, so it doesn't affect my help at all." Rui Wei pursed her lips, unhappy that she wanted to cross the fifth choice and enter the operating room.

   "You can't concentrate when you are here!" Fifth Chosen grabbed her shoulders and fished him back.

   Some annoyed low curses, "The operation time is not short. You can't stand for a long time. If you go in, I have to worry about whether you can take care of yourself."

   "...I'm as strong as a cow, how can I be so delicate." Rui Hua played out her tongue playfully.

  It is rare to hear Fifth Zexian say such sensational love words, and her pretty face flushed.

   stepped back and decided not to go in, causing him "trouble".

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