365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2325: No one can take his place

  "I'll accompany you back." Fifth Chosen was startled, and then pressed the inside line to let the assistant prepare the plane.

   "You can't go now, Mingmei is still confining here, and Uncle Ye, his condition has not been determined, and you can't be here without you." Rui Wei grabbed his arm and swallowed his saliva before continuing.

  "The butler just said that my dad was taken away by someone at a higher level, and there was no news for a day. Maybe when I arrived, he had already returned. I will check it out first. If there are other questions, I will call you again."

"You are pregnant with a baby now, and I don't worry about going back alone." Fifth Chosen's eyes flashed, and asked people to quickly find out what happened to Adolf's house. They simply took some documents and prepared to send Rui Wei back. .


  The assistant quickly walked in, attached to the ear of Fifth Zexian and said a few words, the face of Fifth Zexian was obviously ugly.

   "Are you in a hurry?" Rui Hua saw something was wrong at a glance, and broke free of his hand.

   "I really have no problem going back alone. My father is not there, and the affairs of my uncle and Adolf's house will be dealt with."


  Fifth Chosen’s eyes dimmed, he took a deep look at Rui Wei, and touched her small face with his big hand. “When you get here, give me a message. I will pick you up as soon as I have settled the matter here.”

  After finishing the fifth choice, he turned to look at the assistant, who immediately replied respectfully, “Back to the master, the special plane has been arranged, and our people will directly **** Miss Rui Wei to Adolf’s house to ensure that she arrives safely before leaving.

  The fifth option nodded, holding Rui Hua’s hand, and stepping towards the elevator.

  Sent her on the plane, and then returned to the laboratory building with peace of mind.

   "What the **** is going on? Okay, how can the situation worsen?" As soon as he entered Yu Xiuzhun's ward, Fifth Chosen's footsteps stopped, and he glared fiercely at the assistant behind him.

  If it hadn’t been because of the sudden deterioration of Yu Xiuzun’s condition, how would he not let Rui Wei return to Germany alone with the child.

  If something went wrong with their mother and son, he would be the first to pinch to death!

  "The subordinates also received a notice suddenly. Half an hour ago, they began to experience frequent cardiac arrests. Several times they almost couldn't be rescued, and the symptoms were similar to physical failure."

  The assistant followed Fifth Zexian, explaining with sincerity.

  No one in the experimental building does not know. In the eyes of the owner, there is nothing more important than Miss Rui Wei, especially now Rui Wei is still pregnant with a baby.

  It’s just that Yu Xiuzhun is already in danger. If it weren’t for Fifth Chosen to hang on for him with superb medical skills, he would never survive.

  Now is the critical moment for Yu Xiu Zhun to be able to be sober. If the fifth chooses to leave at this time, no one can cope with what happens.

  "Give me a stethoscope and bring my medicine box." Fifth Xianxian's monster Zitong passed a dazzling light, stepped forward, and began to do a full-body examination for Yu Xiuquan.

  Wait for the end of the system inspection, several hours have passed.

  Fifth Xianxian didn’t have time to rest at all, so he returned to the office again.

   Ye Zhanxing’s inspection report has also been placed on his table, waiting for him to deal with it.

   "Master, Mr. Ye's condition is gradually improving, and the number of cancer cells is still decreasing." The assistant put the collated report in front of Fifth Zexian, and said with joy.

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