365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2328: For you, would you like it?

   "Arrange the plane right away, I'm going to Germany!" The Fifth Chosen closed the phone and said suddenly.

   turned around and walked quickly towards the elevator.

   "Master, Yu Shao's condition is deteriorating now, and President Ye's surgery... If you go now, I am afraid the consequences will be disastrous!" The assistant chased after Fifth Zexian and reminded him nervously.

  They can help Fifth Xianxian find someone, but they can't replace Fifth Xianxian on the operating table.

  Changed anyone, Ye Zhanxing and Yu Xiuzhun had nothing but to wait for death.

  Not to mention that Ye Zhanxing’s illness may be able to wait a while, but Yu Xiuzhun is already hanging by a thread. If he can't wake up again, he can only die in a dream.

  If there is no fifth choice at this time, it would be deprived of even Yu Xiuzun’s last vitality!

   "You stay, I will find it for you, don't worry, I will definitely help you bring people back safely." Shan Hanjie's enchanting Zitong flashed, stepped forward, and held the shoulder of the fifth option.

   Fifth Chosen turned his head, his eyes were sharp, and he glared at him fiercely.

   pushed Shan Hanjie's hand away.

  "Instead, it was Qin Youxuan who had an accident. Can you stay at ease and let me find it for you?" Fifth Chosen's tone was cold and every word.

  The silver-white pupil, shining with a terrifying light.

  This is his woman. Unless he can be sure of Rui Hua's safety, no one should expect him to stay and do nothing!


  Shan Hanjie's body became stiff, and he slowly raised his head to look at him.

  Half a sound, he retracted his hand, and watched Fifth Selectxian leave in front of him.

  Fifth Chosen said that he could not do it if it was him.

  Ruiwei is also the person he has always stayed with, just like his sister. Compared with Yu Xiu Zhun, he will choose Ruiwei without hesitation, so he will not stop the fifth choice.

  As for whether Yu Xiu Zhun can survive the fifth time and return, it can only be his fate.

   "Jie Shao, what do you want to do now?" The assistant looked at the Fifth Chosen, who was shaking away, and looked at Shan Hanjie in shock.

"Make every effort to arrange manpower to ensure the safety of Fifth Zexian in Germany. In addition, I will let people cooperate with you to find Rui Hua's whereabouts as soon as possible. As for the experimental building, you let the team of Fifth Zexian take over his work temporarily. Before he comes back, don’t let the people who stay here notice the abnormality, just say that he is out looking for medicinal materials."

   "Yes, the subordinates will do it." The assistant nodded hurriedly, turned around and walked out.


  When the plane arrived in Germany, it was already late at night.

  Fifth, he didn’t even have a rest, so he rushed to Adolf’s house.

  The person receiving the reception is Kuiren Adolf.

   Seeing Fifth Zexian enter the Adolf’s villa aggressively, standing at the door in a little astonishment.

  The home furnishings have also become a little funny.

   Once he turned to God, he was about to step forward, and saw that Fifth Zexian had already stepped up to him, and he reached out and picked up his shirt, "Where is Ruihua?"

   "...what?" Kui Ren was startled, and immediately seemed to realize something. He pushed the arm of Fifth Chosen and raised his head.

   "Rui Wei didn't follow you in the United States. You suddenly came to me to find someone. Did something happen to her?"

  Kui Ren's face drenched, revealing a trace of sullenness, not as if he was pretending to be.

  He really cared about Rui Hua, thinking that Rui Hua was bullied by Fifth Xianxian, and he ran back from Fifth Xianxian most of the night.

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