365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2340: See where else you can go this time!

  Ruihua's nerves froze, looking at Duke who was returning, all the hairs on his body stood up.

  Want to go back, he grabbed his wrist.

  Falcon-like gaze swept across the chair beside her, and raised her eyebrows, "What are you doing with the chair by the door? Do you want to leave here?"


   "What you said just now was a lie to me, you never thought about removing the child in your stomach!" Duke's hand was heavy, and Rui Hua took a breath of pain.

   Pulled away his hand vigorously, and took a few steps back.

   After trying his best to calm her mind, she said, "What are you talking about? I just lie in bed for too long and feel dizzy, so I am going to move a chair to sit by the door."

   "You thought I was so cheating, Rui Wei, I heard what you said just now." Duke smiled slyly, and pressed on Rui Wei step by step.

   "Fifth Chosen went to Sweden, are you worried about him?"

   "...I don't understand what you are talking about. What we discussed just now is obviously a baby."

Ruihua swallowed his saliva, met Duke's horrifying eyes, and stopped breathing.

"You understand, what you said just now was just perfunctory me, wanting to buy time to keep this child before Fifth Chosen arrives... Rui Wei, I believe you so, how can you lie to me? !"

  Duke suddenly raised his hand, grabbed Rui Hua’s neck, and pressed her to the wall.

   His angry face became savage.

  "The more you are like this, the less I will let you wish. This child is going to die now!"


  Ruiyu was out of breath by his pinch, his face flushed.

  Looking at Duke with horror in his eyes, he subconsciously refused to touch him, and ignoring the baby, he lifted his foot and swept towards his bottom plate.

   "Do you dare to do something with me, do you think you are still my opponent?" Duke stepped back and looked at Rui Wei who was desperate in front of him, his eyes deepened.

  When she thinks that she is to keep the fifth child of Xianxian, she will be against him like this, ignoring his sincerity, Duke can't express the hatred.

  The raging flame burned reason.

  "Don't come here!" Rui Hua guarded his stomach, looked around, there was nowhere to hide.

   Stay here, neither she nor the baby can escape Duke’s palm.

  The only way out is to rush out.

  But Duke stopped in front of her...

  Before changing, she just couldn't beat Duke, and she still had a chance to escape, but now she has a big belly, and if she is not careful, she will hurt her child.

   Rui Wei looked at Duke, who was walking towards her step by step, and a chill came up on her back.

   "Rui Hua, you are obedient, we will start again when this child is removed."

   "You dream! If you dare to touch my child, I will die with you!" Rui Wei gritted her teeth fiercely, and said suddenly, "You are here."

   "Who?" Duke was nervous and turned his head to look behind him.

  Between the electric light and flint, Rui Hua took advantage of the moment he was shaking, passed him, and ran out of the door.


  As soon as Ruihua ran to the door, someone grabbed her hair and pulled it back.

  The whole person fell into Duke's arms.

  His cold breath poured into her nose, and Rui Hua was uneasy.

   "Rui Hua, you can't run away, you are destined to be mine!"

   "I won't let you hurt my baby if I die!"

   Rui Wei opened his mouth and bit Duke's arm, pushed him away with all his strength, and rushed out toward the door.

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