365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2342: No one is allowed to oppose

  He clapped his hands before walking to Qin Youxuan.

   touched her small face with a big hand, "You take Rui Wei back to the laboratory building first."

   "I want to go with you!"

   "Me too!" Rui Wei said nervously when he heard Shan Hanjie's words.

  Fifth chooses leisure for her to return to Sweden to join the net.

  The people in Sweden don't want his life to be a day or two. Because of the reputation and power of Fifth Chosen, they dare not act rashly.

  This time, it was the fifth choice to send it to the door by himself. How could they let go of such a god-given opportunity.

  Rui Wei shudder as long as he thinks that the fifth choice of leisure will be dangerous!

   Let her return to Texas now to wait for news, she can’t do it!

   "I'm not discussing with you, I have already decided, neither of you are allowed to make trouble, I don't have time to explain to you, so I will go back obediently."

   Shan Hanjie's eyes sank, turned around, and walked towards the car next to him.

   "Shan Hanjie..."


  Qin Youxuan and Rui Hua shouted at the same time, and then turned to look at each other.

   Looking at each other, no one dared to follow Shan Hanjie’s meaning.

  In case of angering Shan Hanjie and being beaten, it is a trivial matter. If it is delayed to save Fifth Chosen, no one can bear the consequences.

   "You are pregnant with a baby, it is not suitable for running around, I will send you back first." Qin Youxuan's eyes flashed, stepped forward, and supported Rui Wei.

   looked at Shan Hanjie’s direction, "I believe they will all come back safely."

   "It's just that the other party is the Swedish royal family, I'm worried..." Rui Wei bit her lip and looked at Qin Youxuan with a bad face. She didn't say anything, and followed her into the car.


  In the ward.

   Ye Mingmei is holding her daughter, and from time to time she looks up at Rui Wei several times.

  In the end, she couldn't help but pushed her with her hand.

   "Rui Hua, what are you thinking? I called you several times, but you didn't respond. What happened?"


   Rui Hua blinked his eyes, regained his senses, and looked at Ye Mingmei ignorantly.

   "What did you tell me just now?"

   "Nothing, I haven't seen Fifth Chosen for a long time. I would like to ask him to check Xiao Meimei's body, and also ask, when is my father's surgery scheduled."

   Ye Mingmei stretched out her hand to tease the little girl in her arms.

  The finger accidentally touched Xiao Meimei’s mouth, and she opened her mouth immediately and held it.

  The action is fast, which makes people laugh.

   "It's not full moon yet, it's just a snack posture, and only your little brother Tingye can co-shoot with you."


  Rui Wei froze when she heard Ye Mingmei mention the name of Fifth Chosen.

  It's been a long time, and the expressions on his face are all stiff.

   Her lips moved, "Xiao Meimei looks good, and her complexion is good. Although she was born prematurely, she should have no major problems with her body, so don’t worry."

   Rui Hua took a deep breath, her hands tightened before continuing.

   "Uncle's operation is already being scheduled, but because uncle has been taking the same medicine for a long time, the body has produced antibodies, so the effect of the medicine has slowed down a bit, and we have to wait."

   "That's good, then you know..."

   "Xiao Meimei should be hungry, you feed her milk first, I have something to go out." Before Ye Mingmei asked, Rui Wei got up and strode out of the ward.

  As soon as she walked to the door, she ran into Qin Youxuan who was about to come in.

  The two looked at each other, Rui Hua raised his eyes and left.

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