
  As soon as Qin Youxuan heard the name, before Qin Youxuan could react, Rui Hua rushed over and unscrewed the door.

   Seeing Yao standing outside, his expression became excited.

   Going past Yao, she desperately looked behind him, trying to see the person they missed from behind Yao.

  Except for Yao at the door, no one else can be seen.

  Rui Wei constricted her eyes in disappointment. The next second, remembering something, she immediately turned her head to look at Yao, and looked at him eagerly.

   "How is Jie? Did he find the fifth option? They are all okay, right?" A series of questions blurted out.

   Ruihua's hand unconsciously grabbed Yao's arm, and his eyes were full of worries.

   "Rui Hua, calm down, let Yao come in first, don't stand in the aisle and talk." Qin Youxuan opened her lips quietly.

   stepped forward and pulled Rui Hua, and at the same time signaled Yao to follow him quickly.

  Now in this experimental building, besides Ye Mingmei, there are Ye Zhanxing and Su Yiru.

  If there is something wrong with Fifth Chosen, and Shan Hanjie’s rush to the rescue leaks out, I’m afraid there will be more people worried.

"Young grandma, Jie Shao asked her subordinates to come back to take care of the young grandma first. By the way, I told her that Jie Shao is very good, but the place where I live is not suitable for frequent contact. At the same time, let me tell Miss Rui Wei that we have found Master Xianxian's. Location, rescue is being organized."

  Yao leaned down respectfully before opening an explanation.

   "Find the Fifth Chosen? Really found him!" Rui Wei's eyes flushed, and she bit her lip firmly to prevent herself from crying.

  So many days of worry, she could hardly breathe.

  The fifth choice for leisure is to save her and go back to Sweden alone. If anything happens to him, it is because of her.

   "It's a good thing to find someone, why are you crying." Qin Youxuan twisted her eyebrows, stepped forward, and wiped her tears.

  Hearing that Shan Hanjie was okay, she also let out a long sigh of relief.

   "Yao, sit down, take a drink, and then make things clear. What is going on, where is Fifth Chosen now?"

   Rui Hua took a sniff, and as soon as her mood stabilized, she grabbed Yao and asked non-stop.



  It took nearly an hour to figure out everything.

  After returning to Sweden, Fifth Chosen avoided the royal family's eyeliner all the way, and left a secret signal for Shan Hanjie so that Shan Hanjie could follow his path so quickly.

  The two people have now been in contact, but the whereabouts of Fifth Chosen has been discovered, so they simply don’t meet Shan Hanjie first.

  The two moved separately, waiting for Shan Hanjie to arrange the evacuation route, and then go directly to the fifth choice.

   "In other words, now we have to wait until both of them have safely evacuated from Sweden before they are considered okay, right?" Rui Hua's eyes flashed, and there was worry again in his eyes.

  "What about Duke? Jie didn’t take him to Sweden. Duke has something to do with the royal family. With him in his hands, would Jie’s chances of winning be greater?"

"I'm afraid there is not much difference." Yao paused before speaking, "As early as when he arrived in Sweden, Jie Shao had asked his subordinates to release the news that Duke had in our hands. Ignore it."

  As early as the fifth leisurely arrival in Sweden, Duke's use value has ended.

  At this time, it was Major General Jie who killed Duke. I am afraid that no one will come forward.

  It can be seen that the people in Sweden are not against the baby in Rui Wei's belly at all.

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