At the door of the classroom, he is the only one left... alone...

  Who will tell him what happened just now?

  "Brother Tingye, wait for me!"

   Xiao Jiangnan returned to his senses, and hurriedly chased after him.


   "Brother Tingye, will he be angry if we don't wait for Brother Jiang Nan?" Xiao Meimei asked with her head tilted while grabbing her clothes.

  Looking at the nanny car in front of him, and remembering what the little fat man Tang Ming had just said, his big crystal eyes dimmed.

   "Here, he is not following."

   Shan Tingye put one hand in his pocket, opening his lips casually.

  Clearly young, but with wisdom beyond his age.

  'S gaze fell on Xiao Jiangnan, who was rushing towards them, and the corner of her mouth was slightly hooked.

  How could he not wait for Jiang Nan? The incident of their beatings at school may have spread to his father’s ears. If Jiang Nan is not brought, who will cushion him?

  "Send Xiao Meimei back first." As soon as Shan Tingye got into the car, the cold breath on his body instantly disappeared, and he smiled sweetly at the driver.

  The perfect switch between being cool and cute is simply amazing.

   "Mom said that she is going to see grandpa tomorrow, and we can go home with Tingye brother today, and see her aunt first." As soon as she got in the car, the quiet Meimei suddenly said.

   Seeing the driver turned his head to look at her, he repeated it heartily, "I'm going to sleep at Brother Tingye's house today!"

  The driver was confirmed and drove the car in the direction of the private villa.

  As soon as the car arrived at the villa.

  The door opened, and Shan Tingye was about to get out of the car, but his clothes were suddenly caught by someone.

   Looking back, she saw Xiao Meimei sitting in the car with her head drooping, as if she was struggling with something. It was a long time before she spoke.

   "Brother Tingye, can you not tell mom?"

   "What?" Shan Tingye was taken aback, looking at her suspiciously.

  "Why don't you tell mom about the drawing paper being stolen?" Xiao Meimei repeated again.

  In his big watery eyes, there was a little anxiety.

   "Mom will be sad!"

Seeing that Shan Tingye did not agree, Xiao Meimei said anxiously, "I don't want my mother to be sad."

  Every time she asked her mother for her father, her mother would hide and cry by herself.

  If my mother knows that the bad guy Tang Ming laughs that she does not have a father and grabs her drawing paper, her mother will be very sad.

  Xiao Meimei is already three years old and needs to take care of her mother.

   "I won't say." Shan Tingye glanced at her, and finally nodded.

   pulled her out of the car together.

   "What are you two talking about, why didn't you tell me?" Jiang Nan leaned across his schoolbag and stepped forward unhappy.

  "Want to know?" Shan Tingye's eyes flickered, and a sharp light flashed across his eyes.

   "If you can hold back not telling others what happened today, I will tell you."


What does    mean?

  What happened today? Why doesn't he know it himself? !

  Jiang Nan didn't react before he saw the housekeeper of the private villa hurried forward.

   "Two young masters, Jie Shao is waiting for you in the study."

  The butler finished speaking, and glanced at the cute and beautiful Xiao Meimei next to her, her eyes became kind, "You don't need to go, little lady, let the nanny take you to have a snack first, and Miss Ye will come soon."

   "Thank you, grandpa butler."

  Xiao Meimei was taken away by the nanny, Shan Tingye and Jiang Nan also followed the housekeeper to the study.

  Until Shan Hanjie’s study, Jiang Nan, who was confused, understood what Shan Tingye said just now.

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