365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2366: There is a shadow of Yu Xiuzun on her body

  The dinner was very warm.

   Ye Zhanxing and Su Yiru's attention are on Xiao Meimei, while coaxing the little girl to eat more, they still remember Luo Ye Mingmei.

"I said at the beginning, I asked you to move home and live there. You are going to work. Anyway, if I can look at the child, you won’t listen. I have to live in that small apartment. I think about you being kidnapped. , I really can't sleep at ease, why are you so stubborn!"

  Su Yiru looked at her lovely granddaughter, thinking that she would not be able to see it once the weekend was over, and she was indescribably anxious.

   "Mom, that was an accident. Besides, Jie Shao has already let people clean up the remnants of the family, and now they can't make waves." Ye Mingmei replied casually, bowing her head silently.

  Since she left the experimental building of Fifth Selection, she could no longer feel the breath of Yu Xiuzun.

  Only by living in the room he arranged for their mother and daughter, can she feel that Yu Xiuzun is still with her.

  "What about Xiao Meimei, you never asked my little baby, does she want to live with grandma?" Su Yiru said, looking up at Xiao Meimei who was obediently eating.

  Xiao Meimei is only three years old, but she holds both spoons and chopsticks very firmly, eating bite by bite, without a nanny at all.

  If you accidentally drop the rice grains, you will reach out and pick them up by yourself and put them aside.

  At a young age, there is an unstoppable extravagance in her body.

   is indeed the daughter of Yu Xiuzhun, even if she has never seen her father, she still has the shadow of Yu Xiuzhun.

   "Mom, I still remember that you almost forced me to die, so I don't want to leave Xiao Meimei." Ye Mingmei took a bite of the meal and opened her lips quietly.

   "Pooh! You said this to me in front of the child, you **** girl!" Su Yiru was anxious, and pinched Ye Mingmei with his hand. He pinched Ye Mingmei too hard to say anything.

  "Grandma, why not Xiao Meimei, Xiao Meimei behaved!" The little girl blinked her **** eyes and bit her lip aggrievedly.

   When I heard that Su Yiru asked Ye Mingmei not to want her, she didn't eat her food, she looked straight at Su Yiru with innocent little eyes, and Su Yiru's heart was broken.

   "That's because grandma is ignorant. Grandma apologizes to Xiao Meimei. Can you forgive grandma?"

   "It doesn't matter, Xiao Meimei loves grandma the most." The little girl twitched her mouth and smiled sweetly, like honey.

  It is both gratifying and distressed to see a few adults.

   Such a sensible child does not even have a complete home.

   "I heard that Mr. Jin will come over next month to talk to Ye's about a cooperation case, have you contacted?" Su Yiru touched Ye Mingmei with her elbow.

   “I’ve contacted, it was the parent meeting of Xiaomeimei Kindergarten that day. I told other colleagues to receive him.” Ye Mingmei put down the tableware and took a sip of the water at hand.


  Su Yiru suddenly patted her arm heavily, Ye Mingmei almost choked on the water, coughed lightly, and quickly put down the cup.

   "Mom, what are you doing?"

   "What am I doing, I just asked what you are doing!" Su Yiru really hates iron for not making steel, glanced at Xiao Meimei, and then lowered her voice.

   "Yu Xiuzhun hasn't heard anything about it for three years. He can't come back. Are you going to just take Xiao Meimei with you?"


  "What is wrong with Mr. Jin? A successful career is another example of talent. It is rare that he is still single now, and he is like her biological father to Xiao Meimei. He likes it so much. How can you fight for yourself?"

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