365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2376: Is it because he is not handsome enough?

   "I will take you back to the classroom." Xiao Tingye walked to Xiao Meimei's side, took her little hand, and walked forward with Xiao Meimei.

   looked at her smiling face, gave her a puzzled look.

  I remembered the drawing paper that Xiao Meimei just looked at, "Is your painting finished?"

   "Well, it's finished!" Xiao Meimei responded crisply. After speaking, she turned her head and glanced behind her, but she didn't see anyone, and then mysteriously stood on her toes and leaned to Xiao Tingye's ear.

  "Brother Tingye, the fifth uncle came to see me. It was the homework he taught me to do. I like the fifth uncle the most!"

   "What about me? Do you like me?" Xiao Tingye's big obsidian eyes narrowed, and he held Xiao Meimei's hand tightly.

   "Like it! Brother Tingye is the best to Xiao Meimei, and will help Xiao Meimei beat bad people!" After Xiao Meimei said, she turned her head and kissed Xiao Tingye on the face.

  The little hand touched Xiao Tingye’s handsome face, "Thank you, Tingye brother!"

   "Then there is me? It was me who helped you beat the bad guy that day, why didn't you kiss me?" Xiao Jiangnan, who had been unable to intervene, was anxious.

  Small body squeezed forward, Xiaojun's face moved towards Xiao Meimei.

   "Mom said that you can't kiss a boy casually, Jiang Nan's brother is called taking advantage!" Xiao Meimei took Xiao Tingye, turned around to leave the classroom.

   Jiang Nan: "..."

  Why is it OK to kiss Tingye's brother, but kiss him becomes an advantage?

   Is this the difference between a prince and a knight? !

  Obviously the little girls in their class like to kiss him, how come he is despised when he gets to the little princess?

   Is it because he is not handsome enough?

  Xiao Jiangnan looked at Xiao Meimei who was walking away, but couldn’t recover for a long time...

   "Xiao Meimei, wait for me!"

   Xiao Jiangnan ran after him, grabbed it in front of Xiao Tingye, and rushed into Xiao Meimei’s classroom.

   glanced around, did not see the little fat man Tang Ming who likes to bully Xiao Meimei, his footsteps stopped.

   "That fat guy was beaten by me, don't be afraid, Xiao Meimei." Xiao Jiangnan, with her hands on her waist, "escorted" her little Meimei princess into the classroom like a bodyguard.

   Xiao Jiangnan's words fell, and the classroom that had become a little depressed because of their appearance, suddenly heard a sound of inhalation.

  Tang Ming was beaten up by Xiao Jiangnan. He didn't even dare to come to school, so he hid at home.

  This news has long been spread by a few children who hadn’t left that day.

  Now the classmates in the entire classroom are looking at Xiao Meimei with horrified eyes.

  Xiao Meimei looked at the child who didn't talk, and the smile on the corner of her mouth gradually disappeared.

  Big beautiful eyes blinked, digging out a bag of chocolates from the bag, stepping forward, and handing it to his deskmate.

   "I treat you to chocolate..."

  The little girl who was already nervous, when she saw Xiao Meimei approaching, she moved her buttocks back in fright, she fell off the stool and cried out!

   "I didn't beat her, I just wanted to buy her chocolate." Xiao Meimei saw the life teacher walking into the classroom, anxiously trying to explain for herself.

  Looking at the child who fell to the ground, anxiously trying to reach out to help her, but when the little girl saw her hand, she thought she was going to be beaten, and she cried more!

  Heart-piercing crying, people who didn't see it thought they were beaten badly.

  Xiao Meimei's small face turned pale in an instant, she looked at her hand that was in the air, then glanced at the kid who was far away from her while crying, lowered her head lonely.

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