"Should I follow?" Ye Mingmei was stunned, and then she suddenly thought of this possibility, "Mom, is that okay? If I can accompany Xiao Meimei, I will immediately let people clean up."

  “Mr. Fifth’s people just said that they would take Xiao Meimei to check, but they didn’t say not to let you follow. You are Xiao Meimei’s mother, what can be the problem with you being with Xiao Meimei?"

  The more Su Yiru talked about it, the more she felt it was better, so she turned her head and ordered the housekeeper to bring two pieces of clothes to Ye Mingmei and let her accompany Xiao Meimei.

   "Mom, it's better to ask Fifth Chosen about this matter. After all, he is for Xiaomei's beauty. We do this, it will make people feel that we are suspicious of others."

   Ye Mingmei thought for a while, and stopped the housekeeper.

   "I don't need to bring my clothes. I shouldn't be able to go for two days. Ruihua is here, and she should have clothes there."

  Now it’s time to wait for the fifth candidate to come, and first ask her if she can follow.

  Ye Mingmei lowered her head and reached out to touch her daughter’s beautiful face. In my heart, I don’t know why, but I always feel that this time the fifth choice is going to take Xiao Meimei to the laboratory building, which makes her feel indescribable...

  "Madam, eldest lady, Mr. Fifth is here." The butler hurriedly walked in from the door and responded respectfully.

   "Mr. Fifth? Is Fifth Chosen here in person?" Ye Mingmei was shocked and turned to look at Su Yiru.

  Su Yiru was also stunned.

  They all thought that Fifth Chosen was so busy, and arrogant, just picking up a child, he should only let the assistant come over.

  Unexpectedly, Fifth Chosen would come in person.

  Thinking of the convention that Fifth Chosen breaks for Xiao Meimei, Ye Mingmei couldn't say what she owed. Seeing that Fifth Chosen was about to come in, she didn't have the courage to speak and say that she would follow.

   "Uncle Fifth!"

Seeing Fifth Xian, Xiao Meimei was the first one to pull her leg and ran out. With a small body, she threw herself into Fifth Xian's arms, her small arms tightly hugged his neck and let Fifth Xianxian general She picked it up.

   "Seeing me so happy, it seems that I know what I'm going to do with you, eh?" Fifth Chosen pampered and pinched the little girl's nose, looking at her smiling face, she couldn't help but laugh.

   "What a clever ghost!"

  Fifth Xianxian hugged Xiao Meimei in her arms firmly, looked up at Su Yiru and Ye Mingmei, nodded gently, turned around and prepared to leave with Xiao Meimei.

  "Mr. Fifth, wait a minute!" Ye Mingmei said suddenly.

  "Xiao Meimei did not bring her luggage."

  Ye Mingmei's words came to an end, and the butler on the side hurriedly entered the room and took out a small luggage bag that had been packed before.

  Ye Mingmei took over, stepped forward, and explained softly, “The child’s clothes are getting dirty quickly. There are two sets of Xiao Meimei’s clothes and the pillow she is used to...”


  Fifth Chosen was silent, and looked down at Ye Mingmei, who was a little hesitant, and motioned to his assistant to come forward and take it with his eyes.

   raised an eyebrow, "Anything else?"

   "No, I just want to ask, how long are you going to take Xiao Meimei? I..."

   "I will have someone send her back tomorrow at the latest." Fifth Chosen interrupted Ye Mingmei's words indifferently.

   "Uncle Fifth, mom wants to go with me, can you let mom accompany me?" Xiao Meimei, who has been leaning on Fifth Choan's arms, said abruptly.

  Immortal voice, with a hint of pleading, with little hands, pouting at the fifth option, "Please, please!"

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