365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2386: Yu Shao wants to see Miss Ye

The other side.

  After the assistant sent Ye Mingmei’s mother and daughter to the designated guest room, he quickly returned to the office of the fifth choice for life.

  "Master, let Ms. Ye come with me too, aren't you afraid to let her find out that Yu Shao is not dead?" The assistant respectfully stood in front of Fifth Zexian, and asked with some incomprehension.

   Their original intention was to let Yu Xiu see his own daughter.

   However, the fifth Zexian temporarily agreed to let Ye Mingmei follow.

  Although the experimental building is large, it is difficult to guarantee that two people will not meet in the same space.

  What's more, Yu Xiuzhun has always wanted to see their mother and daughter. If you let him know that Ye Mingmei is also here, I’m afraid they won’t be able to stop it!

  "Do you think Yu Xiuzun would want to see Ye Mingmei now?"

  The office chair of Fifth Chosen turned around slowly, and glanced at the assistant frontally, the demon pupil flashed with an elite light.

  "Yu Shao...didn't he always want to see Miss Ye?" The assistant frowned in confusion.

"That was before. When he first woke up, he wanted to see someone he couldn't let go. But now, his body is recovering and he will be able to stand up again soon. You think he is still willing to let Ye Mingmei see He is embarrassed that he can't even speak?"

  Fifth, the corner of his mouth evokes an arc of evil.

He is a man. He knows a proud man like Yu Xiuzhun. At this moment, when he has realized that he will become a burden to Ye Mingmei and a burden to their mother and daughter, he would not want Ye Mingmei to see this. Unbearable self.

   "Even if Yu Shao doesn't want to meet, but if Miss Ye finds out..."

  The assistant's worries hadn't been finished, but Fifth Chosen gave him a stern look.

   "A woman can't stand it, so I chopped you up and soaked in formalin solution as specimens!"


  The assistant felt cold all over, and stood aside respectfully, not even daring to speak.

  It seems that just in case, some preparations should be made in advance.


  Night, slightly cool.

  The evening breeze stroked the window sills, the setting sun had all submerged into the earth, and the sky gradually showed flashes of light.

  The starry sky is shining, like a diamond hanging above the night.

  Ye Mingmei held Xiao Meimei and sat on the tatami on the balcony, telling her fairy tales.

  As she talked, Xiao Meimei was sleepy before she slept.

   gave a delicate yawn, before realizing that something was wrong, he fell asleep on the tatami.


  The door of the room suddenly opened from the outside.

  Fifth Chosen's finger turned the keychain, and the key of the room turned round and round in his hand, with a trace of evil.

   His eyes fell on Ye Mingmei, who was asleep on the balcony, her eyes flashed slightly, and she looked at the assistant beside her.

  The assistant knew, and immediately stepped forward, helped Ye Mingmei to lie down, took a quilt, and covered it for Ye Mingmei.

  They added some ingredients to the meals prepared for Ye Mingmei, enough to make her sleep well.

  When she wakes up, many things have already been done.

   "Uncle Fifth!"

  Xiao Meimei’s small body is nestled on the tatami, and she is the fifth choice when she sees people walking in, her big eyes light up!

   Without even thinking about it, he rushed towards the fifth option.

   "Since I saw Uncle Fifth is here, do you know what we are going to do in a while?" Fifth Chosen reached out and picked up the little girl, and scraped her long fingers on the tip of her nose.

   "Look at Dad!" Xiao Meimei smiled and curled her eyebrows, her big beautiful eyes full of expectation.

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