Let Yu Xiu lie on the hospital bed and restore the scene where Xiao Meimei was born three years ago. This is the fifth idea of ​​choosing leisure.

  Yun Xiu Zhun missed the important day of the birth of his daughter. He certainly would not refuse this opportunity to make up for it.

   Just when Fifth Chosen and his assistant went out to pick up Xiao Meimei, he had already lay down in advance.

  Because of the tension, his body was as tight as a stone sculpture. He could even clearly feel that his body became stiff from inch to inch.

  I imagined seeing her daughter's picture for a while, and Yu Xiuzun’s heartbeat continued to intensify, as if she was about to jump out of her chest in an instant.

  Repeated and deep breaths, so that I can maintain a sense of reason.

  When he heard the sound coming from the wall, he was already so nervous that his hands were clenched into fists.

  When he felt that Xiao Meimei was approaching him step by step, countless thoughts passed through his mind for a second...

  Xiao Meimei’s "Dad" sounded like a thunder, which struck him straight into his ears.

  At that moment, Yu Xiu knew that if he was asked to die immediately, he would die without regret!

  Too many emotions poured into his heart in an instant, and Yu Xiuzhun had no idea how to react...

  Until Ruan Nuonuo climbed from the ground to his bed, Yu Xiu Zhun looked at Xiao Meimei’s delicate face, and his heart was throbbing indescribably!

  As if something was rapidly spreading through the body along the blood, his bones were numb.

  Xiao Meimei’s soft body was lying on his chest, her two small palms propped on his chest, the warmth of her palms pressed against his chest and passed to the heart...

  This is his daughter, his blood...

Yu Xiuzhun couldn’t control his tears. Just when he was about to vent his out-of-control emotions with a roar, Xiao Meimei said, "Uncle Fifth, I have not kissed my father yet, so my father woke up, then he is still me. Dad?" It passed into the ear suddenly.

  Yu Xiuzhun's face became stiff, and he was dull for a few seconds.

  Looking at her daughter's distressed little face, Yu Xiuzhun's complicated emotions just now, she retreated in an instant.

   almost instinctive reaction, his expression converged, he closed his eyes, and "fainted" again!

  Wait for his little princess to kiss him and wake him up!


  The assistant of Fifth Zexian looked at the scene in front of him, couldn't help but smile, was glared by Fifth Zexian, covered his mouth, turned his head and pretended not to see anything!

  Yu Shao this is really hard to make her happy!

"Uncle Fifth, Dad is asleep again!" Xiao Meimei widened her eyes, and immediately looked at Fifth Xianxian happily. Before Fifth Xianxian could speak, she pursed her mouth and moved towards Yu Xiuzhun. Past.

  Have a sip, kissed Yu Xiuzun’s face, and narrowed his eyes contentedly.

  The little hand touched Yu Xiuzun’s face, "Dad is so good-looking!"

  Yuan Xiu Zhun almost couldn't help but want to open his eyes when Xiao Meimei approached him, and take a good look at his little princess.

  Until Xiao Meimei kissed him, he forgot all his reactions in that second.

   His mind was blank, and he couldn't think at all for a full minute.

  The warm touch on the cheek, like being rolled by magma, burned into the bottom of my heart...

  Xiao Meimei...

  Yun Xiu Zhun muttered her daughter's nickname silently, and looked at the little princess with the same eyebrows as him. Yu Xiu Zhun just wanted to hold her in his arms, and tell her how much his father loved her!

  Yuan Xiuzun’s arm was about to be raised, but found that all his limbs were nailed!

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