The child is very simple, and Xiao Meimei never doubted the words of Fifth Chosen. Seeing him say this, she turned her head and looked at Yu Xiuzun, as if she wanted a positive answer from her father.

  Yu Xiuzun couldn't move his whole body, but he nodded desperately.

  He is happy, he has never been happy before!

  In his entire life, he has never put anyone in his eyes. He always thought that only taking Yu's family to the top was his goal in life.

  Never thought that when he was most proud and satisfied in his life, he looked at his own bones and blood with his own eyes, and opened his mouth to call his father!

  An unspeakable sense of pride, penetrates the limbs!

  "Xiao Meimei, my father's health is not good yet. Don't work too hard. Say goodbye to my father. You should also go back to sleep..."

"I do not want!"

  Fifth Xianxian hadn’t finished speaking yet, Xiao Meimei, who had always obeyed him, got down from his arms anxiously, and rushed to Yu Xiuzun’s side, her small arms tightly hugged Yu Xiuzun’s neck.

   "I just watched my dad quietly, I won't let my dad work hard, the fifth uncle, I want to see dad again, just take another look!"

  Xiao Meimei’s big crystal eyes are full of requests.

  Small mouth squatted, like if the fifth option xian did not agree, she would cry to him!


   For the first time, Xiao Meimei rebelled against his intentions, and Fifth Chosen couldn't tell whether it was an accident or a loss in her heart.

  Blood relationship is probably the most unexplainable thing in the world.

  He watched Xiao Meimei grow up from a baby girl to a beautiful girl, but Yu Xiuzun can make Xiao Meimei "rebel" with just one glance!

  "At ten o'clock at the latest, you should go to bed at ten o'clock." Fifth Xianxian's strange pupil flashed, and his lips opened indifferently.

   At ten o’clock, Ye Mingmei’s effect should be almost retired, and she should wake up later...


  In the guest room.

  On the tatami on the balcony, Ye Mingmei fell asleep quietly.

  The beautiful face was slightly sideways, and the bright moonlight showered on the balcony and also on her body.

  In her dream, she seemed to see something that pleased her, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

  Sakura lips closed together, as if to say something.

   Close to listen, only two words repeated: "Xiuzhun..."

   Soon, Ye Mingmei's face changed again.

   The original low babble also became louder, his hands tightly grasped the thin quilt on his body, "Don't... don't go..."


   Ye Mingmei sat up on the tatami abruptly, the whole person seemed to be immersed in great pain, even breathing became difficult, and he clutched his own clothes tightly.

  There is cold sweat on the forehead!

   After a long time, she walked out of the dream state just now, and stared at everything familiar and strange before her sluggishly.

  She is in the experimental building of the fifth choice of leisure...

  Is here again.

  Every time, as soon as she returns here, she will dream of Yu Xiuzun.

  It was like this three years ago. Three years later, she still had the same dream.

  This building is like hiding something. As long as she gets closer, there will be an inexplicable traction, which makes her want to dig...

  "Little Meimei..."

   Ye Mingmei panted, and sat on the tatami for a while, only to suddenly realize that Xiao Meimei, who was in her arms, was gone!

  She was clearly telling a story to Xiao Meimei just now, and halfway through, how could she fall asleep first?

  What about Xiao Meimei? Where did she go?

   Ye Mingmei got up from the tatami mats and hurriedly around the room, but she didn't see Xiao Meimei's figure, and she was stunned.

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