365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2397: Someone staring at her in the dark

  The cafe is very quiet.

  Guests in twos and threes are all drinking coffee quietly, and the not-so-high elegant seating separates everyone in an independent space.

  Not far away, a stare fixedly at Ye Mingmei sitting on the sofa, looking at the figures of their mother and daughter, their deep evil eyes, as if they could rub water out.

  The hand placed on the wheelchair, slowly tightening.


  Xiao Meimei's delicate little face rubbed Ye Mingmei's arms, and opened her big beautiful eyes, as if she didn't react at all.

   "Wake up, are you hungry?" Ye Mingmei put down the coffee cup in her hand and hugged Xiao Meimei.

   "I'm not hungry, I want a beautiful dress!" Xiao Meimei stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes, her whole body was refreshed, her small arms put her arms around Ye Mingmei's neck, her eyes gleamed.

   slept, the little girl hadn't forgotten that they were out shopping to buy beautiful dresses.

   "Okay, let's go buy a beautiful dress now." Ye Mingmei smiled lightly, motioned the waiter to come over and pay the bill, picking up Xiao Meimei and leaving the cafe.

   walked to the door, but suddenly stopped, and subconsciously turned his head to look behind him.

  There are a lot of people in the cafe, but they are all talking in low voices, except for a few waiters who have been looking at the beautiful Xiao Meimei, no one noticed their departure at all.

  How can she feel that someone is watching her?

  What's wrong with her recently, always suspicious...

  Since leaving the experimental building of Fifth Chosen, she has always felt impetuous. This week, every time she goes out, she always feels that someone is staring at her in the dark.

  Recalling the accident that happened when Xiao Meimei was born, Ye Mingmei suddenly increased her vigilance.

   glanced around again, and convinced that no one was following her, and then she hugged Xiao Meimei out of the cafe.

  While leading Xiao Meimei into the mall, she called Ye's bodyguard and asked two people to follow her.

  Hang up the phone, Ye Mingmei brought Xiao Meimei into a children's clothing store.

   "Mom, is this good-looking?"

  As soon as she entered the store, Xiao Meimei immediately ran to the front happily, picked up the princess dress in the store, and gestured to herself while asking Ye Mingmei's opinion.

   "It looks good, my little Meimei looks good in everything." Ye Mingmei stepped forward, took the skirt from her little hand, took a serious look, and nodded in approval.

  Although she has never been able to cultivate Xiao Meimei's sense of fashion, Xiao Meimei has liked to stick to Su Yiru since she was a child. The concept of fashion has been carried since she was sensible.

  When you enter the clothing store, you don’t need to worry about Ye Mingmei. You can choose all the clothes and skirts you like, and try them one by one.

"So lovely!"

   "Yes, this color best matches the child's skin tone, and the skirt fits well."

   "It looks so good..."

When the shopping guide next to    saw Xiao Meimei who had changed her skirt, they were full of praise.

  Xiaomeimei's facial features look like Ye Mingmei at first glance, but when you look closely, they look more like Yu Xiuzun, beautiful, with a trace of evil, and there is always an indescribable nobility.

  The little girl who is only three years old is taller than children of the same age.

  The light yellow princess dress is exquisite and beautiful when worn on her body!

  Hearing the praise from the shopping guide, Xiao Meimei was like a little adult, she calmly walked out of the fitting room, walked in front of Ye Mingmei, turned around, stopped, and looked at Ye Mingmei with a smile.

   "Mom, I like this dress, can I buy it?"

   Ye Mingmei reached out and touched her little face, "Buy if you like."

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