Not far away, a wheelchair stopped in the corner, watching the scene quietly, and the hand placed on the wheelchair's arm tightened suddenly.

  Looking at Xiao Meimei falling into Ye Mingmei’s arms and crying, her chest seemed to be torn open!

   "Yu Shao, the time is not early, the time you agreed with the master is almost here, we should go back." Fifth Chosen's assistant followed Yu Xiuzun and respectfully reminded Yu Xiuzun.

  Yun Xiuzhun clenched his hands into fists, and watched Xiao Meimei calling her father in the crowd, her fingers creaking.

  If it weren't for the fifth chooser to follow, he would want to rush out, take his little princess into his arms, and tell her that his father is here.

  Looking at Ye Mingmei crying with her daughter in her arms, Yu Xiuzhun almost broke a silver tooth and hit the wheelchair with a fist.

   "Yu Shao, your body is recovering very quickly, and the future will be long. There is no need to rush for a while. Even if you go out now, it will only worry Miss Ye..."

  The assistant's words fell, Yu Xiuzun turned his head and stared at him fiercely. The assistant hurriedly stopped, stood aside in a weird manner, and stopped speaking.

   "Send me to meet someone."

  For a long time, watching Ye Mingmei leave the amusement park with Xiao Meimei, Yu Xiuquan opened her faint lips.

  The deep voice was dull, as if it had been rubbed over a stone, with a trace of roughness.

  The assistant was taken aback, "But Yu Shao, our time is already very tight, and if I don’t rush back, I am worried that I will miss your time to take the medicine."

   "Just seeing someone, it doesn't take much time. Fifth Chosen just allows you to follow me, and doesn't let you limit my freedom." Yu Xiuzhun's tone was indifferent, not angry, but was infected with anger.

  His vocal cords have just recovered, and now it seems a bit difficult to speak. Even his legs can’t stand for a long time, so he can only borrow a wheelchair.

  He doesn’t know how long he will have to wait before his body can recover from three years of ruin. He can’t wait any longer.

  The assistant saw him look firm, hesitated for a few seconds, pushed him into the crowd, and then walked towards the exit of the amusement park under the cover of the crowd.

   got in the car, followed the instructions of Yu Xiuzhun, and drove towards a house in the city.


  At the same time, Ye Mingmei also arrived at the gate of the amusement park.

  Looking at Xiao Meimei who had fallen asleep leaning against her, and recalling the scene when Xiao Meimei was shouting to her father in the crowd just now, the good mood of accompanying her daughter to go shopping has completely disappeared.

  No matter how she deceives herself or others, she can't deceive her own heart.

  No matter how many years in the past, she will never forget Yu Xiuzun, but Xiaomeimei has grown up, and it is an indisputable fact that her daughter wants a father.

"Let's go back."

   Ye Mingmei hugged Xiao Meimei and sat in the car, leaned tiredly on the back seat of the car, and rubbed her eyebrows.

   opened her eyes, but a black car drove by her side. She narrowed the corner of her eyes and saw the man in the back seat of the car, just a profile face, and the whole person was shocked!

Sitting up   嚯, turned his head and looked over again, the car had already driven some distance.

  Ye Mingmei held her daughter's hand tightly, "Drive, hurry! Catch up with the car in front of you!"

  The bodyguard was taken aback, then respectfully nodded, and started the car to catch up.


  The car had just chased out of the way, and suddenly stopped suddenly.

   "Miss, it's a red light." The bodyguard watched the car in front of them pass the intersection first, and could only watch and wait for the red light.

  In just ten seconds, it feels like a century.

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