365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2405: Discover the secret of dad (2)

  This kind of feeling, she is also experiencing now.

  Su Yiru forces her to get married every day, not to push her out, but to worry that she will not be able to take care of herself if she goes on alone, plus Xiao Meimei needs a father...

  Parents always hope to see their children start a family and live a happy life. Their starting point is not wrong.

   "How about you, don't you tell me about your troubles?"

  "My troubles?" Ye Mingmei was startled, and pointed her finger to her nose.

  Jin Chenye's thin lips twitched, and he smiled, "I just heard what my aunt said, she seems to be worried about you being alone."


   Ye Mingmei's eyes dimmed, and she lowered her head silently.

  Ye Mingmei knows Su Yiru’s thoughts better than anyone else.

  Fortunately for others, Jin Chenye is probably the most suitable son-in-law candidate in Su Yiru's heart, so I can’t wait to pack Ye Mingmei to Jin Chenye.

  If you know that there is no possibility between her and Jin Chenye, I am afraid that tomorrow will be crazy to arrange her to go on a blind date.

   But these words, Ye Mingmei couldn't say it.

  "Since our problems are all the same, let's try." Jin Chenye's low voice slowly sounded in his ears, like a thunder, resounding in Ye Mingmei's ears.

   Ye Ming was sluggish for half a minute, and there was no way to recover.

   widened his eyes and looked straight at Jin Chenye, "Senior, what did you just say?"

   "I said, why don't we try." Jin Chenye looked at her surprised expression, her expression did not change much, and then softly repeated.

  "What to try?" Ye Mingmei's hand on her knees, clutching herself hard, her mind seemed to be washed out for a second, and she couldn't think at all.

  Jin Chenye has Qin Youxuan in her heart, and she has Yu Xiuzhun in her heart...This is a secret that the two people are tacitly aware of.

  Because they all know that, even if everyone around them thinks they are suitable, Ye Mingmei knows that they are impossible.

  Now Jin Chenye says...

   "Senior, did my mother just tell you something?"

  If Su Yiru didn’t say anything, he couldn’t bring up this topic suddenly.

Jin Chenye stood up calmly from the sofa, stepped forward to Ye Mingmei, the gentle Zitong, warm as jade, with a trace of leisure, just stood in front of Ye Mingmei, suddenly stretched out his hand and placed it on top of Ye Mingmei's head. .

   Ye Mingmei's body stiffened and she was about to move back, but she saw Jin Chenye move her hand and gently rubbed her hair.

   "Mingmei, I have never asked you, have you felt tired in the past few years?"


  "Are you tired of guarding someone who doesn’t know where to go, even if they’re alive or dead, and a person with Meimei alone?"


   Ye Mingmei bit her lip and listened to him asking like a relative, her eyes flushed unconsciously.

   Forbearing tears, gently shook his head.

  She is not tired, watching Xiao Meimei grow up day by day, watching her look more and more like Yu Xiuzun’s little face, just like looking at their past and imagining their future.

  Even if Yu Xiuzhun never comes back, she can guard her daughter and outline the picture of their family of three.

  Only in the dead of night, there is always a loneliness.

  Especially when Xiao Meimei has big innocent eyes, and pitifully asks where her father has gone, if Xiao Meimei is not behaved or not when Xiao Meimei...

   Ye Mingmei is about to collapse!

  The word "dad" is not only a shadow of Xiao Meimei's heart, but also hers.

  It is she who owes her daughter.

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