365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2412: Discover the secret of father (9)

   "What mom said, mom said that if Xiao Meimei wants her father, she can see her father!" The big bright eyes of Xiao Meimei are full of trust in Ye Mingmei.

  Mom didn’t lie to her, she really saw Dad!

  Dad is not the sleeping prince this time. Dad woke up and hugged her!

  Xiao Meimei's pink face happily rubbed against Yu Xiuzun's arms, without noticing it at all. After hearing her words, Yu Xiuzun's face instantly sank.

  Holding Xiao Meimei's hand, she tightened her unconsciously.

   Ye Mingmei didn't know he was alive, and the "dad" in her mouth was definitely not him.

  If he is not here today, is she going to let the man his daughter recognizes another man be a father?

   Ye Mingmei, I really want to strangle you!

   "Dad, it hurts..."

  Xiao Meimei pitifully tugged at Xiuzun’s arm, her small mouth slumped, and she looked at her arm aggrievedly.

  Dad’s strength is so great that she can't move her hands anymore.

  Yun Xiuquan was sluggish for a second, and once he was overwhelmed, she immediately checked Xiao Meimei's arm nervously, looked at the red circle of marks on it, and raised her eyebrows in annoyance.

  "The pain is gone, Xiao Meimei is okay." Seeing Yu Xiu's self-blaming expression, Xiao Meimei said with a smile.

   Seeing Yu Xiuzun, happily has been making noise in his arms.

  The nature of father and daughter, even if Yu Xiuzun missed Xiao Meimei for three years, it did not leave their father and daughter separated at all. Xiao Meimei leaned against Yu Xiuzun’s chest and kept asking questions curiously.

   "Dad is the sleeping prince? Xiao Meimei is three years old..."

   "Dad came here by car? Why didn't you come after I waited so long with my mother? The teacher said that being late is not a good boy."

  "Mom said that Dad would accompany me to the parent-teacher conference, so we have to go in? But I promised my mother to stay here and wait for her to come back..."


Yu Xiu quasi-quietly listened to her words, the person who has always been the most impatient, did not show the slightest impatience, and answered every question of Xiao Meimei seriously, and finally looked at the little girl tired, leaning in his arms and fainted. Sleepy.

  The little hand held his shirt tightly and refused to let go.

  The eyelids of the beautiful big eyes have been pulled down, and I just can't sleep.

  For fear of waking up after a night's sleep, Yu Xiuzhun is gone again.

  She hasn’t waited for her mother to come back, telling her that she has a father, and father came back to pick them up...

   "Dad is with you. When you wake up, your mother will come back."

  Yun Xiuzun looked at the supporting daughter distressedly, patted her little back lightly with his big hand, and watched the little girl leaning on his shoulder, unable to carry him to sleep, his eyes were full of guilt.

   "Yu Shao, Miss Ye has notified Qin Youxuan that she is looking for Jin Chenye's whereabouts. If they call the police, I'm afraid things will get tricky. Should we go back?"

  The man who has been following Yu Xiuzun's side, stepped forward, and asked respectfully.

   "Let them let the people go, you look outside, if she comes back, I am leaving." Let him hold his little princess for a while.

  Looking at her daughter’s pure face, Yu Xiu quasi-long fingers crossed her brows and eyes, her thin lips moved, "Xiao Meimei, let me give my dad some more time, dad promises you that he will come back to pick you up soon, soon..."

  Yu's eyes narrowed, and a layer of mist appeared under his eyes.

   Xiao Meimei didn't know what she had dreamed of, so she puffed her mouth and smiled suddenly.

  Sweet smile, like a clear spring, gurgling through the heart.


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