365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2418: A picture book full of secrets

  In the cabinet, a bunch of paintbrushes fell out, and Ye Mingmei was stunned.

  Looking at the sketch pen rolling to her feet, she bent down and picked it up. After a glance, she knew that it was Xiao Meimei's.

  These brushes are all customized by Ye Zhanxing in order to encourage Xiao Meimei's efforts in painting, with Xiao Meimei's zodiac and name on it.

  How can these brushes run into the closet? Does Xiao Meimei always hide in the closet mysteriously, just to paint?

  What is she painting, worthy of being so mysterious?

   Ye Mingmei stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyebrows, picked up all the paintbrushes on the floor, put them aside, and was about to take out Xiao Meimei's painting book, when she heard a small sound coming from behind.

   raised her head and saw the little girl who was still asleep just now kicking the quilt away.

   Ye Mingmei stood up from the closet, walked back to the bed, and reached out to cover the quilt for Xiao Meimei.

  Looking at her daughter's well-behaved face, her eyes flickered, and she hesitated to look at her painting book.

   Although Xiao Meimei is only three years old, even a child, she will have her own privacy. Seeing Xiao Meimei hiding in the closet even painting, it is not difficult to see that she does not want others to see it.

  She went to look through her things without the consent of Xiao Meimei. Wouldn’t it be bad?

  Seeing what the head teacher said some time ago is still echoing in her ears, Ye Mingmei is really worried, Xiao Meimei still hides some knots from time to time to keep her from knowing.

   gritted her teeth, Ye Mingmei still got up from the bed, walked to the closet again, and reached out to pull out the picture album hidden under the pile of clothes.


  Ye Mingmei only opened the first page of the album, and her fingers stopped.

  Zi pupil widened suddenly, staring at the picture album in his hand in disbelief, his body trembled uncontrollably, letting the picture album slip from his hand, the whole person was shocked!

  After she recovered, she immediately turned her head and looked behind her, making sure that Xiao Meimei was not awakened, and then she squatted on the ground and picked up the album again carefully.

   Holding the picture album in her hands with both hands, her delicate face faded in an instant, pale and scary.

   took a deep breath, and then gathered up the courage to open the picture album in his hand again.

  Looking at the familiar figure on the drawing paper, Ye Mingmei touched Yu Xiuzun’s face with trembling fingers, tears gushing out instantly, holding Xiao Meimei’s picture album, crying bitterly!

  I don’t know how long she cried, and her excitement gradually calmed down.

   Turning over the picture albums one by one, looking at the lifelike Yu Xiu on the drawing paper, the excitement in Ye Mingmei's eyes was gradually replaced by shock!

  Since the birth of Xiao Meimei, she put away all the things related to Yu Xiuzun.

  Xiao Meimei has never seen her father, how can she know what Yu Xiu Zhun looks like, even the paintings are so similar!

  Ye Mingmei stretched out her hand to wipe her tears, turned the closet again, and turned over all the things that Xiaomei had hidden inside.

  A photo fell to the ground as the clothes shake off.

  In the photo, Yu Xiu's handsome and extraordinary figure stung Ye Mingmei's eyes, finally stopped her tears, and instantly covered her cheeks.

   Ye Mingmei reached out and grabbed the photos and albums, and walked out the door in despair.

  Walking into the living room and seeing Jin Chenye waiting outside, his body stiffened slightly. As soon as he realized that he wanted to wipe the tears from his cheeks, Jin Chenye had already turned around and saw her.

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