365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2442: Long farewell reunion (9)

   Ye Mingmei rushed out of the coffee shop and returned to her office in despair. She didn’t know how long she had been sitting there, and she still didn’t recover from what Bai Zheng said.

Lying on the table prostrably, his eyes fixed on the cooperation project in front of her, the face of Yu Xiuquan flashed in front of her eyes...smirking, silent, sullen...different expressions, switching in front of her, In the end, it became Baizheng's face!


  Ye Mingmei waved his arm and pushed the cooperation case in front of him to the ground, clasped his head with his hands, and pulled her hair vigorously, "Ye Mingmei, wake up, he is not Xiuzhun, he is not..."

  Yun Xiuzhun, if she were still alive, she would never forget her and their little Meimei.

   "Miss, are you okay?"

  The secretary heard the sound, opened the door nervously and walked in. He glanced at the documents that had fallen on the floor, stepped forward respectfully, bent over, picked it up, and put it back on the table.

   Ye Mingmei let go, took a deep breath to calm her emotions, and pressed her hands on the table.

  "I’m fine. Sending this cooperation case to Minister Chen, he said that I was not feeling well, so let him negotiate the cooperation with YX."

  The secretary was startled, and then nodded respectfully, "I'll send it over."

  Ye Mingmei watched the secretary leave the office, and then looked up, and took a new document from the side for review.

  Be devoted to work wholeheartedly, time will always pass quickly.


   "Miss, it's time to get off work, don't you still have to go to the kindergarten to pick up Xiao Meimei, it's time to set off." The secretary reminded me respectfully holding the folder.

   Ye Mingmei raised her head and glanced at the time, thinking of Xiao Meimei, with a gentle smile on her mouth, stood up and went to carry her bag, ready to leave work.

Ye Mingmei’s car was slow. When she arrived at the kindergarten, it was just after class. At the entrance of the kindergarten, there were parents and drivers who came to pick up their children. Instead of rushing forward, she found an open place to park, get off and walk. Go to the school gate.

  Behind her, a black luxury car also slowly stopped.

  The car window fell, revealing Bai Zheng's perfect face.

  His deep evil eyes kept staring at Ye Mingmei's figure, watching her step by step into the kindergarten.

  In the end, she hugged Xiao Meimei and walked out of the kindergarten.

Xiao Meimei was very happy. She kept her arms around Ye Mingmei’s neck, saying something happily. Later, she sang the nursery rhyme the teacher had just taught today. She leaned against Ye Mingmei’s shoulder with her soft and waxy little body, beautiful like a picture. painting.

  Bai was pressing his hand on the car door, ready to open the door.

  "Mr. Bai, there is too much traffic here and it is not easy to defend. It is better to stay in the car." The assistant sitting next to him caught a glimpse of Bai Zheng's behavior and immediately reminded him respectfully.

Seeing that Bai Zheng still did not let go, he said, "Mr. Bai is not worried about himself, and he has to consider for Miss Ye and Miss. In case something really happens, with our staff, it may be difficult to ensure that their mothers Safe for women."


  Bai Zheng's eyes dimmed, looking at Ye Mingmei and Xiao Meimei walking in this direction, pressing the hand on the door of the car, slowly letting go.

  I watched Ye Mingmei pass by his car window holding Xiao Meimei, and finally got in the car and drove out of here.

  "Mr. Bai, we should also leave." The assistant reminded respectfully.

   Seeing that Bai Zheng did not respond, he signaled the car behind to exit first.


  Just as the bodyguard car was about to retreat, a car drove up from the rear and hit the back compartment of the bodyguard car, blocking the way.

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