Ye Mingmei opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and carefully looked for footprints on the ground, but the ground was clean and there was nothing.

  She was dull for a few seconds, turned around, and ran out of the door.

   rushed to the living room and grabbed the housekeeper’s hand, “Help me adjust the surveillance video of last night. I want to watch the surveillance of the entire villa after 11 o’clock yesterday to this morning, especially the location of my room!”

  "Miss..." The butler was stunned and looked at Ye Mingmei unexpectedly.

   "I said I want to watch yesterday's surveillance, what are you doing?" Ye Mingmei couldn't wait for the housekeeper, so she ran to the villa's surveillance room in a hurry.

   rushed to the monitoring room of Ye's Villa, and before the bodyguard inside could react, he spoke first, "I want to see the monitor screens facing my room last night."

   "Yes, Missy."

  The bodyguard was stunned and nodded respectfully.

  According to Ye Mingmei's request, I adjusted the videotape from last night and put it on the computer screen.

   "Only these two straps?" Ye Mingmei looked at the monitoring screen in front of her, her breathing was unconsciously tightened, and she pressed her hand on the table slightly hard.

   "Yes, Miss, there are only two monitors facing the direction of your room, and all the straps have been placed here." The bodyguard explained meticulously.

  Ye Mingmei sat in front of the computer, not daring to fast forward for a second, just staring at the footage on the surveillance video tape.

  I watched for nearly half an hour and saw nothing. There are still seven or eight hours left, but she does not seem to be anxious, as if she is determined to find something.

  "Miss, what are you looking for? If you look at it this way, you will not be able to bear it. We were on duty last night. You can ask us."

  The bodyguard standing by said respectfully.

   "You were on duty yesterday?" Ye Mingmei was startled, remembering that she would accompany Xiao Meimei to the amusement park for a while, biting her lip.

   "I want to know, after I fell asleep last night, did anyone enter my room? It doesn't have to be the main entrance, the floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony are also possible!"

"Did the lady find something?" The two bodyguards got nervous and glanced at each other nervously. "We watched all night yesterday and didn't find anything unusual, but the lady said the floor-to-ceiling windows and the monitoring of the back garden The device can only monitor part of it, and it is impossible to determine if someone has entered from there."

  Ye Mingmei’s room is partially blind, and the monitors installed on the fence can't monitor them all.


  That is, she watched all the surveillance video tapes once, but it was useless.

  Ye Mingmei's eyes dimmed. It was originally a guess in her heart, but now there is no possibility of confirmation.

  "Miss, President Ye is awake, let you go to his study now." The butler appeared at the door and reminded respectfully.

   "My dad is awake?" Ye Mingmei's eyes flashed, remembering Su Yiru's guess yesterday, immediately turned around and walked towards the door.

  Standing in front of Ye Zhanxing's study, looking at the closed door, Ye Mingmei was suddenly nervous.


  The second when she stretched out her hand to unscrew the door, Ye Mingmei could even hear her heartbeat clearly.

   took a deep breath before stepping in.

  The huge study room looked extremely quiet and peaceful in the morning light. Ye Zhanxing's tall body was sitting in front of the desk, hearing footsteps, and looking up from the copy.

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