365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2462: Shoot yourself in the foot

  "They are very good people. As long as I like them, they won't object." Bai Zheng opened his lips with confidence and looked at Ye Zhanxing's gaze with frankness.

"You are the eldest son of the Bai family and the heir of the Bai family. It stands to reason that if you are really with Mingmei, then Xiao Meimei will become your daughter. The eldest daughter, like the eldest son, has inheritance rights in the family. Yes, you don’t mind if your own things may become someone else’s in the future?"

   Ye Zhanxing picked up the tea cup on the table, slowly opening his lips.

  If you export it, it sounds like there is nothing wrong with it. It's just a mess with Bai Zheng, but after careful analysis, you find that there are traps inside.

  "If we are really together, I will treat Xiao Meimei as my biological daughter. Even if I give everything to her in the future, it will not be considered to be to outsiders."

  Bai Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he answered calmly.

  The hand on his side was silently clenched into a fist, his palm clenched with cold sweat.

  He didn't know if Ye Zhanxing had already noticed something, but every one of his questions seemed to mention the Bai family intentionally or unintentionally.

   has even been using Xiao Meimei to test his bottom line.

  It seems that as long as he can't accept Xiao Meimei a little bit, don't want to get closer to Ye Mingmei, but if he shows too much care for Xiao Meimei, it seems very wrong.

   After all, Xiao Meimei is Yu Xiuzhun’s daughter, not Bai Zheng’s.

  Even if they have the same face, the affection between father and daughter cannot be derived in vain.

   "Mr. Ye, Mr. Jin is here, saying that he is here to take Xiao Meimei and Missy to the amusement park." The butler walked in from the courtyard and walked to Ye Zhanxing's face and replied respectfully.

   "Oh, it came just right. Xiao Meimei didn't keep clamoring to go to the amusement park just now. There were too many people." Ye Zhan said inadvertently, but looked at Bai Zheng.

  Bai was hearing the three words "Mr. Jin", his face changed obviously. When he heard Ye Zhanxing's words, his face became even more black. Even if he tried to hide his face, he still couldn't hold back his anger.

Regardless of whether he is Yu Xiuzhun or not, Jin Chenye is his rival in love. Bai Zheng’s reaction is actually a man’s normal reaction, just to maintain his demeanor. Even if he wants to skin and eat Jin Chenye, he can only face it with a smile, otherwise He was the one who lost the tolerance first.

   Ye Zhan Xing clearly saw his displeasure, but still as if he could not see, smiled.

"Mr. Bai, this is the first time you have come to the Ye family. I don’t know yet. Mr. Jin is Mingmei’s senior. He helped the Ye family when he was framed by someone at the Ye family. He is the benefactor of our Ye family, Xiao Meimei. I like him very much."


  Bai was clenching his teeth, restraining his temper.

  When I remembered that the Ye family’s crisis was caused by him, it turned out that Jin Chenye became a hero, and he wanted to punch himself twice!

  I really picked up a rock and hit myself in the foot, and I couldn’t live by committing sins!

  Never mind anything else, he just heard Xiao Meimei say that Jin Chenye was going to take their mother and daughter to the amusement park today, so he desperately came to visit Ye's house. If Jin Chenye dared to **** his little princess from him, he would kill him!


  I didn't see Jin Chenye coming in, but first saw a small head poking in from the door, and then a small body, stepping up, climbing up the steps, and ran in.

  Xiao Youyou's beautiful and beautiful face was flushed, and she shouted Ye Mingmei excitedly.

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