365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2495: A story that is lost and knows how to return (6)


   Ye Mingmei couldn't answer the conversation for a while, so she could only lower her head to drink milk.

  In fact, she didn't care about the owner of the story so much, she was just curious, what exactly was Bai Zheng seeking her for so solemnly.

  She raised her head. There are fewer and fewer people in the restaurant. Today is not a weekend. Many people come to eat here, but they eat very quickly. They only chatted for a while, and many people have already left.

   Ye Mingmei was still thinking about the job at hand, but seeing that Bai Zheng's expression was not very good, she was embarrassed to say that she was leaving.

   "Mr. Bai..."

   "Call me Bai Zheng."

  Ye Mingmei was interrupted as soon as she spoke. He raised her head and met Bai Zheng's deep gaze. His eyes were so deep that they were as deep as an abyss. If they stepped in accidentally, they could no longer get out.

"Where did we talk?" Bai Zheng didn't seem to see Ye Mingmei's strangeness, and continued the topic very calmly. "Yes, I just asked Miss Ye if there is anyone she likes. This question, I think Seeing Xiao Meimei, there should be an answer."

   "I came to listen to the story today, but until now, you still haven't told me the story you want to tell." Ye Mingmei folded her hands in front of her, and her tone became serious.

  The things she tried her best to forget were mentioned again and again, and then she was awakened by the sadness she tried hard to suppress.

"I'm talking about it, it's just that Miss Ye didn't cooperate." Bai Zheng calmly faced Ye Mingmei's doubts. "There is one thing I forgot to tell Miss Ye. Before I came to see you, I had already I have been to the Ye family and told the story to Mr. Ye."

  "Have you ever found my dad?" Ye Mingmei looked at Bai Zheng with some surprise, with a misunderstanding on her face.

"It was President Ye who asked me to come over to Miss Ye, saying that Miss Ye would definitely help me after hearing this story, so I will come." Bai Zheng's tone was calm, his eyes were sincere, and he couldn't tell what he was saying. lie.

   Ye Mingmei heard that it was Ye Zhanxing who asked Bai Zheng to come to her for help. She was slightly startled, and immediately sat upright from the chair, looking at him seriously.

   "Since my dad asked you to come, then you should make it clear what is going on. Don't sloppy with me anymore. I still don't understand what you want to say to me."

   Hearing this, a smile flashed across Bai Zheng’s handsome face, “Everyone talks about the hardest things to tell. It always needs enough psychological development. It seems that I have been preparing for too long, and Miss Ye is impatient.”

   "I'm sorry, I'm just more impatient... When I see you, my emotions are easy..." Lost control.

   Ye Mingmei bit her lip and did not finish her words, but she believed that Bai Zheng understood.

  He and Yu Xiu Zhun have exactly the same face. No matter who they are, it is difficult to face the same face, but completely different people, without any discomfort.

  Ye Mingmei saw him, and many memories from Yu Xiuzun three years ago would always pop out of her mind unconsciously.

  "It’s okay. I’m not good. I should tell Miss Ye from the beginning that I am looking for you this time. In fact, I want you to help me design a marriage proposal for someone who has been waiting for me for many years."

  Bai Zheng put down the wine glass, his face slightly lifted, and he looked at Ye Mingmei intently, as if waiting for her response.

   caught the shock in her eyes, Bai Zheng wickedly twitched the corner of her mouth, "Ms. Ye has the patience to listen to me telling this story now?"

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