There are many guest rooms in the private villa, but the fifth uncle likes only those two. He is here now, and Xiao Youyou and Xiao Meimei will definitely sleep in the other one.


   Pushing open the door, Ting Ye did not go straight in. Instead, he stood by the door and observed for a while. Hearing the even breathing sound in the room, he walked in slowly.

   "Small, don't pretend, I know you are not asleep."

   Tingye stood by the bed, under the dim light, he opened his lips firmly.

  As soon as the voice fell, the bedside lamp turned on.

On the big princess bed, the two petite bodies are lying obediently in the quilt. Most of Xiao Youyou's body is exposed outside the quilt, with big crystal eyes staring straight at Ting Ye's face.

   pouted slightly, "How do you know I am not asleep?"

   "There is only one breathing sound in the room. You woke up when you heard the sound of opening the door. You just wanted to see what I would do, so you deliberately held your breath and waited for me to come in."

  But because she deliberately relaxed her breath, it revealed the fact that she was not asleep.

   "Then what do you want to do? This is my room, why don't you sleep and sneak over!" Xiao Youyou got out of the bed, stared at the uninvited Xiao Tingye.

  The pink cheeks have been in the bed for a long time, the covered puff puffs, and the little lips lightly bit the red marks, which become more and more charming.

  Take off his jacket while sleeping, only the small sling inside is left, and the white skin on his shoulders is exposed, crystal clear in the gleam.

  When Tingye reached his lips, he stopped immediately.

  Looking at Xiao Youyou who is like a fairy in front of her, in her mind, the scene of the last time she accidentally ran into a bath was played back over and over again...

  The roots of the ears started to get hot, and even the pinkish jade face began to blush.

   didn’t notice at all, Xiao Youyou’s hand reached out to his eyes and poked his Xiaojun’s face vigorously, “Why do you always blush at me, are you hot?”


  "Don’t think that I will be fooled by pretending to have a fever. Do you want to come in and ambush me? If you don’t say anything, I will tell the bad guy Dad and let him clean up you!"

   Xiao Youyou said, Xiaoyouyou sat up from under the covers, opened her mouth slightly, ready to shout.

"Do not talk!"

  Xiao Ting stretched out his wild hand, and covered her small mouth with lightning speed.

   "Xiao Meimei is asleep, don't wake her up."

  Ting Ye said, his eyes turned gentle when he looked at the side.

  Xiao Meimei is already asleep. She has always been a good baby. She eats and sleeps on time. When the time comes, she will wash her face and hands obediently without any coaxing at all.

   Quietly sleeping, like a little angel...not like the little evildoer in front of you!

  Ting Ye's nerves froze, and his eyes moved from Xiao Meimei's body to Xiao Youyou's face in front of him.

   met her sullen eyes, only to remember that his hand was still covering her mouth.

  Under the palm, the soft touch felt like an electric shock, making his fingertips numb, and just remembering that he was about to withdraw his hand, Youyou had already slapped him over!


   A loud slap hit Ting Ye’s hand directly, but he didn't even hum, but turned his head nervously to look at Xiao Meimei next to him.

   Confirmed that Xiao Meimei was not awakened, and then turned her head and gave Xiao Youyou a sideways glance.

   "You don't want to go to kindergarten, you let me sleep here today, and I will take you tomorrow."

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