365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2519: Neither of you can escape!

   He was about to turn around, suddenly remembering something, and striding towards the bathroom.

  As soon as she walked to the door, she ran into two little girls who were walking out with water, and she ran into fullness!


  As soon as the water bottle in Yuyou's hand shook, the water splashed on Jia Luo's body, and under the trouser legs, it was quickly infiltrated by water stains.

  Kaluo's face instantly darkened to the bottom of the pot.

   "Oh, my nose!" Xiao Youyou got up from his lap, reached out to press his small nose, tears in his big eyes, and red eyes.

  When he saw Jia Luo in front of him, his eyes went straight.


  "Who told you to burn things in the room?" Galo's eyes flashed, and with a cold growl, he reached out and picked up Youyou's collar and lifted her up.

  "You let go of my little sister!" When Xiao Meimei caught a glimpse of Jia Luo's movements, her whole body became tense, and she rushed forward, slamming his knees with her fists.

   "Let go of her? Neither of you can run away!" Galo's cold eyes darkened, and he freed up a hand to lift Xiao Meimei easily, turning around and walking outside.

   "Big villain! You let me go..."


  Private villa.

  The deep atmosphere spreads in the huge living room, like the depressive atmosphere before the storm.

  "The kindergarten has thoroughly investigated, and there is no abnormality in the scene, including the situation in the kindergarten, like a temporary kidnapping."

  Shan Hanjie sat on the sofa and put a piece of information on the table.

"This is the operation report of the Yujia Group after the owner of the Yu family was taken away by the police. The report shows that the Yu family is now at the end of the battle. Let alone retaliation, how to survive the immediate crisis is probably the most troublesome issue for them. ."

  Shan Hanjie's words came to an end, and he glanced at Bai Zheng who was sitting on the opposite sofa.

  "I also think it’s not the Yu family. My people have checked. The people in power of the Yu family are side members. They only care about the prosperity and wealth that Yu family brings to them. They will not take the risk to anger the Shan Ye family.

  Bai Zheng's eyes flickered, and he spoke faintly, holding Ye Mingmei, who was almost unable to sit still, with both hands tightly.

  Xiao Meimei has only been missing for a few hours. She seems to have lost her soul. She has no thoughts about food, and her complexion is ugly to the extreme.

  He doesn't doubt at all now, if something happens to Xiao Meimei, Ye Mingmei will definitely not survive.

  "Since you all agree with this guess, there is only one target left." Shan Hanjie pulled out a route approval report from the bottom of the data.

   "Three days ago, the Swedish royal family applied for a route to Washington, who do you guess is?"

   "Gallo Carr."

  Fifth Chosen's stern face lifted slightly, her thin lips moved, and every word was paused.

  The monster pupil burst out with a condensed light, and the breath of the whole body seemed to be soaked in darkness.

   "The goal this time is not Xiao Meimei at all, but Xiao Youyou who left Shan's for the first time." Shan Hanji raised his eyes, holding his shoulders with his hands, and leaned against the sofa.

When Youyou was in Germany, with the full protection of the Adolf family, the outside world had no chance to contact her at all.

  Fifth Xianxian blocked her news very well. From childhood to adulthood, except for the Adolf family, it is his laboratory. Youyou is like a little princess protected by layers.

  Only this time, Fifth Zexian brought her to the single-house villa and asked her to go to kindergarten with a few elder brothers and sisters, so that the other party could take advantage of it!

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