365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2523: I even pronounced my name wrong!

   "You just said, what does a five-year-old nanny know? I'm a mother just to take a look, just take a look!"

  Qin Youxuan wanted to break free from his hands, but there was no match for Shan Hanjie’s strength, so she watched Shan Hanjie drag her away!


  In a suburban villa.

Jia Luo changed into a clean suit, and his tall body paced out of the room. His cold face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and he couldn't see the happiness or anger. He walked into the living room and looked completely wet. The two little sisters trembling together.

   "I just ignited the fire in the room, and when I rushed to the indirect water to wash my hands, I didn't think about the consequences now?" Jia Luo put his hands in his pockets and glanced at the lead Xiaoyouyou, "Who taught you to do this?"

   "I'm not telling you!" Xiaoyou Youdong's face was red, and her two small arms hugged herself tightly, and worked hard to reach Xiao Meimei's side.

  The clothes on their bodies were all wet with water. They didn't feel cold when they were busy receiving water to wet the living room. Now they can't move when they are **** in the living room, and they are trembling with cold.

  It was as if Jialuo deliberately punished them, so he left them here without beating or scolding or letting them change their clothes. The two cold girls trembled all over when it was cold.

"If I come later, you two should be burned to ashes now. No one has ever told you how dangerous a child is playing with fire?" Ga Luo looked at Yuyou who was stubborn, and his voice fell eight degrees, vaguely. On the verge of rage.

   "I don't want to talk to bad guys." Youyou rolled her face, and continued to rub against Xiao Meimei, without even giving Jia Luo the corner of her eyes.

  What a little girl who loves and hates!

  Galuo narrowed his eyes, refracting a faint light.

   "I don't want to talk to me, but your life is pinched in my hands. Are you not afraid?" Jia Luo squatted down and looked at the two little girls who were **** by the big five flowers.

   "Don't say you are not afraid of death, you can't see your parents when you die, even if you don't want to see your parents, don't you feel cold or hungry now?"

  Galuo hooked the corner of his mouth, "If you make me angry again, I won't kill you, and I can make you survive without death!"

  He finished speaking and waited quietly, waiting for Yuyu to bow his head.

  The little girl who is only half-old, he doesn't believe that he can't clean it up!

  But he waited for a long time and couldn't wait for any response.

  It is as if Xiao Youyou didn't hear his threat, but still just leaned close to Xiao Meimei, using the heat of the two people to keep warm.

  As for being hungry, they have just received such a big shock, and they haven't been relieved yet.

   "Youyou Carl!"

   "I'm not Yoyo Carl, I am Yoyo Adolf! Why are you so stupid, you even pronounce my name wrong!" Yoyo was yelled, but instead he yelled back.

   Hearing Jia Luo yelling her name by mistake, the whole person was not good, her mouth was pouting high, and Jia Luo stared with wide eyes.

   "The surname of Carl is incomparable to a hundred Adolf families. You don't even want such a noble surname. Following the Adolf family's surname, it's not promising."

   Jialuo Zi's pupils tightened, and looked at the delicate pink girl in front of him with hatred for iron and steel.

  Even if she was embarrassed, she still couldn't hide her royal dignity, that kind of pride engraved in bone and blood, and Heaven could not cultivate it.

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