365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2532: I do it for your own good!

"Uncle Fifth, my dad asked me to come in and tell you that the inside and outside of this villa are now our people. If Prince Gallo has time, my dad wants to invite him to my house for a cup of tea. Everything is fine. You can sit down and discuss."

  Ting Ye raised his head, but his immature voice revealed a noble aura, like a king pointing the country.

  Obviously it was for Galo Carl, but he ignored Galo in the middle of the living room, and instead looked straight at the fifth option, as if in this space, he could only see the fifth option.

   "Can I touch your wolf? It's so cool!" Youyou didn't know when she walked to Da Bai, with bright eyes, staring straight at Da Bai lying on the ground, and she almost didn't drip!

  As soon as her hand was about to stretch out, Ting Ye's wrist was clasped.

   "If you don't want your hands to be eaten, don't touch them!"

"I just touched it, and I didn't want to grab it with you, why are you so stingy!" Youyou pouted, looked at the snow wolf in front of him, and glanced at Tingye, who was holding her hand tightly. Unhappy.

  She really likes such a cool pet, and I really want to have one too!

  I just can’t raise it, it’s okay to touch it!

  The light from the bottom of her eyes was taken in by Jia Luo, and it was even firmer to bring this brave little girl back to Sweden.

  Even when he first saw such a big snow wolf, he couldn't help feeling a little bit frustrated. The little girl who was only two and a half years old actually wanted to touch it. Isn't it daring?

  In time, the trained Xiaoyouyou will definitely become more dazzling!

   "Dabai doesn't like people other than me to touch it. If it gets angry, your hand will not be able to hold it. Don't be a little bit, I do it for your own good!"

   Tingye looked at the stubborn Yuyou, and her brows wrinkled tightly.

  Wolves are very sensitive to the breath of humans, and are not recognized by them. Once they approach it, they may be attacked!

   "You lied, it was wagging its tail at Miss Sister just now!" Youyougululu's big eyes stared at Xiao Tingye.

  The atmosphere of tension just now turned into a funny scene of two children arguing.

   Xiao Youyou's words fell, Da Bai seemed to understand, and he really shook the wolf tail in the direction of Xiao Meimei, as if to confirm her words.

  "Dabai has seen her since she was born, and of course she will not reject Xiao Meimei. Xiao Meimei is timid and not used to being too close to Dabai. You are different."

   Tingye did not directly say that Da Bai is a snow wolf who understands his master's disposition. He likes Xiao Meimei, and Da Bai will naturally let Xiao Meimei touch it.

   Xiao Budian has been against him, he will only be heartbroken when he looks at him, but how can Da Bai like to let her touch him.

  If you really let Xiaoyouyou touch Dabai, he might actually be bitten by Dabai.

   "Little sister, don't be angry. If you like Dabai, you can stay at Brother Tingye's house for a period of time. When Dabai gets to know you, he will definitely like you!"

  Xiao Meimei looked at Xiao Youyou who was puffing up her cheeks, and she resisted fear, stepped forward, and pulled her little hand.

  I saw Dabai stand up from the ground, she swallowed nervously, she wanted to run away, and saw that Dabai was staring at Youyou, and she could only endure it.

  Watching Dabai walk up to her, rubbing her calf with the white wolf head.

  Xiao Meimei blinked her big beautiful eyes, looking at Dabai who seemed to be selling cute, her little hand could not help reaching out and touching Dabai's head.

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