365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2542: Ye Mingmei, I'm back! (1)

  As soon as Bai Zheng walked into the room, he heard Ye Mingmei’s voice and realized that their mother and daughter were not asleep yet. Bai Zheng's tall body stood up to the cabinet next to him, and his body was perfectly blocked by the huge wardrobe.

"Auntie, my sister is asleep, and you went to bed earlier. I'll take Dabai away." Ting Ye's soft little body stood by the bed, reluctantly looking at the peacefully sleeping Xiao Meimei on the bed, turning her head three times. Look towards the bed.

  He also wanted to stay and sleep with Xiao Meimei, but Ye Mingmei seemed very worried, so he could only leave first and give the space to their mother and daughter.

   Ting Ye rolled over and climbed onto Da Bai's back, patted its wolf back, Da Bai jumped out from the French window and disappeared into the night.

  In the room, only Ye Mingmei was sitting next to the bed, holding Xiao Meimei's hand tightly, and would not let go for a moment.

  As long as she thinks that she almost can't see her daughter, Ye Mingmei's palm is tight.


  Xiao Meimei frowned her brows, as if she was pinched, she chuckled her mouth and turned in the direction of Ye Mingmei.

  Ye Mingmei returned to her senses, immediately let go of her hand, and looked down at Xiao Meimei nervously.

  "Sorry, mom didn't mean it..."

  Ye Mingmei’s apology was halfway through, only to realize that Xiao Meimei hadn’t woken up at all, she just turned over and fell asleep again, because she was too nervous.

  What happened to her?

   Ye Mingmei let go of her hand holding Xiao Meimei, and sat down on the chair dejectedly, holding her head in her hands, burying her face in her knees.

  She thought that Yu Xiuzun’s disappearance had been the most terrifying thing she had ever encountered, and only now discovered that there were things in this world that made her even more afraid.

  She has lost her accuracy. If there is no Xiao Meimei, she really doesn't know if she still has the courage to continue to face this lonely world.

  As long as she thinks of this, she is infinitely afraid...

  Looking at the daughter who was intact, she didn't want to take a step further.

Ye Mingmei sat quietly by the bed and looked at her daughter. Bai Zheng was standing less than three meters away from her and looking at her. The family of three stood in the same space, but they seemed to be separated by three. The world of dimensions.

  Bai was watching her crying while standing less than three meters away from him, but she could only stand with her fists clenched and stood there, watching her crying tiredly, and fell asleep on the head of Xiao Meimei's bed...

  He wanted to step forward, but his body seemed to have been cast in a cast, and he could not move.

  His handsome face was hidden in the shadows, and he couldn't see the expression on his face, just clenched fists, and blue veins appeared on the back of his hands, all of which revealed his complicated mood.

  For a long time, Bai Zhengcai took a step forward, walked out from the closet, walked to Ye Mingmei's side, and just put her hand on her shoulder, she found that she moved.

Before Bai Zheng could hug her on the bed, he met Ye Mingmei's opened eyes.

  Both people were stunned at the same time.

   Just when Bai Zheng was about to explain, Ye Mingmei suddenly reached out and hugged his waist!

  "I knew that you would come back. No one believed it. Only I knew that you would not be so cruel. Leave me alone..."

   Ye Ming got up beautifully from the chair, his hands tightly hugged the person in front of him, as if holding the last straw, he was willing to let go.

  The mouth was still talking about his misses and fears, his face was pale and there was no trace of blood.

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