365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2550: Ye Mingmei, I'm back! (9)

  Bai Zheng finished speaking, staring straight ahead, quietly looking ahead, the slender figure seemed like an old monk entered into concentration, without any movement.

  It was like self-abuse, just standing like this, but he couldn't tell the comfort in his heart.

  Three years, he wanted to do this for three years.

  Like a man, pursuing her upright and waiting for her to make her happy.

  He once had such an opportunity, but he didn't cherish it. When he was disqualified, he knew it was too late.

  Now there is a chance to come back, all the things others have, he will try to get her.

  Includes the happiness that a woman is sought after.

"Mr. Bai, the subordinates have been looking for you for a long time. The time for you to take the medicine has come. The fifth genius doctor explained that your body can no longer toss. If you stand on such a big sun, your body will definitely suffer It's impossible!"

  The assistant hurriedly walked to Bai Zheng's side, saw his pale face, and persuaded him nervously.

  The words fell, and he quickly greeted the people next to him to get an umbrella, and opened a shady place beside Bai Zheng.

   "Go away, no one is allowed to approach me."

  Bai Zheng’s stern face can't see the slightest blood, and his thin lips are slightly opened. His voice is very soft, but he has the power to put his beak into it.

  He has to bear his own mistakes.

  He only waited for one day, but Mingmei waited for him for three years. In the past three years, he couldn't even think about the grievances and pains suffered by their mother and daughter.

   "Mr. Bai, Miss Ye doesn't know the truth now. If she knows, but you hurt her body like this, why do you make her feel so embarrassed?"

  The assistant looked at Bai Zheng, who was unwilling to leave, walking around like an ant on a hot pot.

   was glared at by Bai Zheng, and he could only put the umbrella away honestly, but still muttered beside him unwillingly.

"Mr. Bai, Miss Ye doesn't know your identity at all now. No matter how much you do, she won't feel distressed. You just have to punish yourself and let her know who you are doing atonement. Otherwise, it would be useless. !"

   "Just you talk too much!"

  Bai Zheng frowned, his handsome face expressionless and unmoved.

  "I’m not talking too much. I’m telling the truth. Otherwise, Mr. Bai will ask me to meet Miss Ye. If Miss Ye sees me, you don’t need to explain anything at all. She will definitely know who you are."

  The assistant walked to the front of Bai and looked at him eagerly.

  In the accident three years ago, Bai Zheng disappeared, and his assistant was also seriously injured in order to protect Ye Mingmei.

  After a catastrophe, it was Ye Mingmei who came forward to deal with him, so that he was not held accountable by the police. After being discharged from the hospital, she was recuperating while helping Ye Mingmei to find the whereabouts of Yu Xiuquan.

  I searched for three years.

  Not only Ye Mingmei, but even the assistant who followed Yu Xiuzun since she was a child almost believed that Yu Xiuzun was dead.

  Until that day, the young master of the Bai family came to the door...

  If it is not for Yu Xiu Zhun to say, the time is not yet there, otherwise the first person the assistant wants to tell is Ye Mingmei!

For three years, he knows best that Ye Mingmei has worked hard to find the slightest piece of news about Yu Xiuzun in the past three years. How many times have heard the news from him, and turned around casually, but when he did not walk out of the door. , I couldn't help crying sorely...

   "Let you go?" Bai Zheng's eyes paused, as if thinking about something.

   "Yes, Mr. Bai, it was Miss Ye who rescued your subordinates after you disappeared that year. When she saw me appear, she would definitely know that it was related to you."

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