365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2565: Surprise proposal again and again (9)

  The most exaggerated, he even dared to ask her to design a marriage proposal!

  She wants to know who that woman is, she must go to the door to pour sulfuric acid!

  "Do you want to know?"

  Bai Zheng's eyes flickered, she lowered her eyes, met her sullen eyes, smiled at the corners of her mouth, like a bewitching, deep eyes, staring at her without turning.

  "...Why don't I want to know, I don't just want to know who it is, I want to kill her, and kill you by the way!" Ye Mingmei paused, gnashing her teeth abruptly.

  The world’s heartbreakers should all be cut!

   "Okay, I'll take you there now." Bai Zheng clasped her wrists and smiled at the corners of her mouth. Without giving Ye Mingmei a chance to regret, he fastened her seat belts, started the car, and turned around on the road.

  Ye Mingmei looked at the scenery passing by the car window. She was sluggish for more than ten seconds before realizing it. Is he really going to take her to catch the rape?

  Is it wrong? He is just preparing to ask for marriage. What if the woman is not ready to agree at all?

  Furthermore, they only have Xiao Meimei. After all, she and Yu Xiu Zhun are not married, she just looked for it, and her name is not right...

  A white light flashed in Ye Mingmei's mind, as if she had missed something, but for a while, she was angry and couldn't remember it.

  While waiting for the car to stop at the gate of the community, Ye Mingmei did not notice at all, still thinking desperately whether she had forgotten something.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, when do you have a woman who has liked many years?!"

   Ye Mingmei suddenly raised her head and growled angrily.

She finally knows what she has forgotten. Yu Xiuzhun is a famous evil young man. She only knows that he is indulgent, righteous and evil, and there is no shortage of women around him, but she has never heard of him. What a woman who has been in love with her childhood friend for many years!

   "When did you become so smart?" Bai Zheng turned off his flame, and his hand just about to pull out the car key was in the air. Hearing her questioning, he turned his head and looked at her with a smile.

   Ye Mingmei raised her eyebrows, "I've always been so smart, don't be stupid!"

   "Well, I didn't say that you were stupid, but I just thought you were too clever." Chi Guoguo made a supplement.

  Bai Zheng didn't look at Ye Mingmei's puffed face, and pushed the car door and walked forward.

  After taking a few steps, she looked back uneasy and made sure that Ye Mingmei was still behind her, and her pace was getting faster.

"Yu Xiuzhun, don't run, you tell me clearly what you mean by that sentence, why don't I..." The word smart is still stuck in my throat, looking at the elevator in front of me, and I am familiar Ye Mingmei was stunned for her neighborhood.

   raised her head and looked at the man waiting for her at the elevator entrance, her lips moved, her throat seemed to be strangled, and she couldn't say a word.

  How could he bring her back here, this is the "home" he left for her, he thought he had forgotten it a long time ago.

  "I don’t want to see the woman I asked to marry, I will take you to see it now."

  Bai Zheng stepped forward, took her hand, and dragged Ye Mingmei into the elevator.


  The moment the elevator door opened, Ye Mingmei seemed to have heard the sound of her cardiac arrest.

   Glittering eyes staring at the familiar door in front of him, and at the assistant standing in front of the door, Ye Mingmei opened her mouth, and finally closed her eyes, staring at the scene in disbelief.

   "Young lady, welcome home!"

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