In the living room.

  Shan Hanjie sat on the sofa with Qin Youxuan, watching Bai Zheng and Ye Mingmei have just been sent away, and immediately ushered in the fifth Xianxian and Rui Wei.

   "It seems that today is a good day. You all made an appointment to say goodbye." Shan Hanjie looked at Fifth Chosen sitting opposite, raised his eyebrows, folded his legs leisurely, and said casually.

"you guys……"

  Fifth Chosen Xian was startled, and immediately reacted, "You mean that besides us, Bai Zheng and Ye Mingmei are also here?"

  Fifth Chosen's eyes dimmed.

  He should have thought that with the current half-dead state of Yu's family, Bai Zheng should choose to leave the United States after taking revenge. Not only can he avoid Yu's family, but he can also avoid him.

  It seems that Bai is really afraid of him cultivating Xiao Meimei to become a doctor, but it turns out that he is used to doing things that others don’t want.

  The corner of Fifth Chosen’s mouth evokes a strange smile...

  "Fortunately, Jiang Jinchen and Ning Yanan planned to stay in China early in the morning, otherwise I still have to think about when they will come to say goodbye to us."

  Dan Hanjie's lips are not salty or light, and there is not a trace of anger in his tone, but he can still hear a trace of reluctance.

  Some people are not accustomed to staying, and they will not show any dissatisfaction when they are separated. There is no permanent banquet in the world. Since they are better than family members, they will definitely have the same time.

  Parting, it’s nothing, the next better time will definitely be reunited!

   "I didn't approve of letting Youyou go back to Sweden. Who knows what the prince Gaara is doing in his heart? In case he is uneasy and kind, if we take it back this time, doesn't it mean that we are throwing into the net?"

   Rui Wei walked to Qin Youxuan's side, sat on the sofa, reached out and took her arm, her enchanting eyes were filled with worries.

  "This is what I am going to ask. Last time Jialuo wanted the fifth choice and the best life, why did he suddenly want you to go back so kindly?"

  Qin Youxuan thought of this, and looked at Fifth Chosen with worry.

   "The badass uncle said that the badass grandpa is going to die. I am a little princess. I should go back to see the badass grandpa. I want to go back, so let my dad stay with me."

  Youyou's tender voice came from the stairs, and she walked down the stairs with a small body, walked to Qin Youxuan's side, and fell into her arms.

   raised her small face and explained with a smile.

  "I’ve never been to Sweden. Uncle Jie said it’s beautiful and the castle where the princess lives. I want to see it."

  Shan Hanjie is Xiao Youyou’s idol. What he said is more effective than the fifth Xianxian said a hundred times.

  Youyou's words fell, Rui Wei and Qin Youxuan both looked at Shan Hanjie in surprise.

"Gallo really likes Youyou. What's more, the old Swedish king is currently ill. He now needs the support of the fifth choice and the single family. He doesn't dare to make any crooked ideas easily. It is more conducive for you to go back with Youyou than to stay outside. He feels at ease."

  Dan Hanjie's enchanting pupil flickered, and his lips opened slightly.

After analyzing the situation in Sweden, he just said casually. He didn't expect that the little girl would fall in love with him. It was really hard for Fifth Zexian and Rui Wei to take her back to Sweden. Compared to Tingye, he really wanted Xiaoyouyou. The clever ghost is his child!

"Xiao Xuanzi, I will miss you, don't forget to take good care of my little male god!" Rui Wei's eyes tightened, he understood what Shan Hanjie meant, and no longer objected, but just looked at Qin reluctantly. Youxuan.

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