365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2606: Finally you are here! (7)

   "What to carry, let's go back and have a look first. When we came out, the scene was a mess." Youyou reminded quietly next to her, and she walked forward and took hold of Xiao Meimei.

  Although she does not say, but she is willing to carry it together.

  As soon as the four people walked out of the GW school gate, they saw Yao already standing by the car door, waiting for them.

   Seeing Shan Tingye, he stepped forward respectfully, "Master, Jie Shao wants to see you."

   "Uncle Jie is back?"

   Xiao Youyou heard that Shan Hanjie had returned to the United States, his eyes lit up immediately, and when he stepped forward, he was about to ask something, he clearly noticed that Shan Tingye and Jiang Nan's reaction was wrong, and turned his head to look at them in confusion.

   Hearing that Uncle Jie wanted to see them, why did they react with fear?

  Uncle Jie loves her the most, she is not afraid of Uncle Jie.

   "Miss Youyou, Jie Shao is very busy, I am afraid that there is no way to see you for the time being, please come back to the villa with me first." Yao's face was very calm, but with a cold look, he returned to the paralyzed face before.

  The more he was like this, the more he explained that the problems at the press conference were serious, and they were so serious that Shan Hanjie flew back as soon as he received the news.

   "Youyou and Xiao Meimei just came back. You took them to Ye's house to see Grandpa. Grandpa hasn't seen them for a long time. I should miss them very much. After I finish processing the press conference, I will come back to you."

  Dan Tingye's black eyes flickered slightly, and if he turned his head innocently, he confessed to Jiang Nan, turned and prepared to board the car.

  As soon as Shan Tingye took a step, Jiang Nan stretched out his hand and took his arm.

   "Brother, I will go back with you."

  He has spent more time in private villas since he was a child than in Jiang’s family. Of course, he knew the rules of private villas. It was definitely not a good thing for Shan Tingye to go back, especially Shan Hanjie himself called the name.

   "Master Jiang Nan, this matter has nothing to do with you. Jie Shao will only let Master go back." Yao Gong's voice rang coldly beside him.

   "If you ask my brother to drive them to see grandpa, take care of them." Shan Tingye's eyes dimmed, and he fixedly looked at Jiang Nan.

   "..." Jiang Nan had something else to say, and it got stuck in his throat.

  In the end, he just nodded heavily.

  "Brother Tingye, I want to go back with you. It was the mistake of the two of us..."

  Xiao Meimei spoke abruptly, walked up to him anxiously, reached out and grabbed the hem of his clothes.

  Although she didn't know that Yao would only let him go back alone, not even her accomplice, she always felt bad.

  "It’s none of your business. You just came back. Go and see Grandpa first. He will be very happy. I will come to you soon and it won’t be too long."

  Shan Tingye raised her head, rubbed her little head, and curled her lips in love.

   "My dad should just ask me to go back and clean up the mess, not to beat me, letting you accompany me will only distract me."

   "Did Uncle beat you?"

  Xiao Meimei's big crystal eyes blinked and asked nervously.


  Of course!

  Their father and son looked at each other as unpleasant since they were young, and Shan Hanjie never showed mercy to him. He was beaten by a lot of disobedience when he was a child.

   But looking at her worried eyes, Shan Tingye narrowed his eyes and said confidently, "No."


Jiang Nan on the side of    really couldn't hold it back, coughing fiercely, and Shan Tingye glared fiercely. With a nervous look, he rushed forward and pulled Xiao Meimei and ran away.

   "I will take them to the Ye Family Villa to see Grandpa, brother, remember to come and see us early!"

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