365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2608: The mind he can't hide (1)


  The servants in the villa looked surprised when they saw this.

  This is the most cruel thing about Shan Hanjie. He not only punishes Shan Tingye, but also makes the servants of the villa watch.

No matter when he was a child, the child’s self-esteem was not so strong, but he has grown up now, and Shan Hanjie has not changed. This shows that he is not only punishing him, but also warning him. If you don’t want to be ashamed, you must Compete yourself.

   Shan Tingye’s face was very calm, as if he had no idea because he was punished by the servants, but the hand beside him was silently clenched into a fist.

  The coquettish Zitong closed slightly, forcing herself to calm down.

  Since he was five years old, he has been running the Shan Group. In fifteen years, this is not the first time he has made such a mistake, nor is it the first time to kneel and face a wall in front of servants.

  He is a genius, but he is not omnipotent. He will suffer from insufficient practical experience.

  At that time, Shan Hanjie was so cold to make him kneel down and reflect on himself.

  Wait for him to reflect enough before he tells him with a look of disdain, "Don't think that you are naturally a little smart and arrogant. There are so many things you can't do in this world, just like your failure this time!"

  The way Shan Hanjie educates him is never mixed with the slightest warmth, just like reprimanding a subordinate, but he never refutes, let alone talks back.

  Because he knows that arguing ten thousand words will not make him strong, what he has to do is to grow rapidly.

  After every punishment, he is a brand new single Tingye.

  Changed time and time again, after he was more than ten years old, Shan Hanjie never caught the opportunity to punish him.

The servants in the villa were probably a little surprised because they hadn’t seen him kneeling and facing the wall for too long, especially the new maids, who were dumbfounded and watched the usually expensive young master kneeling. There, he didn't even have the mind to work, and kept looking at him.

  Shan Tingye knelt on the ground and stared at the front. On the wall in front of him, there was a photo of his family of three.

Shan Hanjie wears a black tuxedo with a demon and noble charm, and Qin Youxuan, who is wearing a white gauze, is small, like a big light bulb with super wattage. He just squeezes between the two people, making Qin Youxuan hold him. , Her little arm is still holding her mother tightly...

  He could not remember this family portrait when he was filming, but every time he watched it, he could feel the smile at the corner of Shan Hanjie’s mouth, like a sneer.

  If it were not for his mother, it is estimated that he would have thrown him out.

  For so many years, Shan Hanjie sees him not pleasing to the eye for no reason...

   "Master is so pitiful..."

   "Yeah, I have to kneel until tomorrow morning, my knees will be soft."

   "I heard that I can't eat dinner. I'm tired and hungry. How can I stand it?"

  There was a rustling sound of discussion behind him, and Shan Ting's wild eyes flashed, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

  Even if he didn’t look back, he could guess that the few gazes behind him must be full of disbelief and sympathy.

  His Shan Tingye has been a sympathetic day, which is really ironic.

  He simply closed his eyes, pretending that he could not hear or see anything.

  In my mind, slowly came to mind the moment when I watched the appearance of Xiao Meimei at the press conference today...

  As if he was dreaming, he was still worried about how he would find her, she appeared in front of him as if feeling his thoughts.

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