365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2612: The mind he can't hide (5)

  Xiao Meimei stared at his slightly bent legs, frowning suspiciously.

  It seems that since she came in, his posture has not changed. Although it looks normal, she always feels something is wrong...

Is    her illusion?


  Shan Tingye's body stiffened, his whole body was like a cast, and he didn't know how to react at all.

  How did he forget that since Xiao Meimei can become the heir of the genius medical laboratory, she should have been secretly following Fifth Chosen for a long time. In front of her, I am afraid that he will be aware of a slight abnormality in front of her.

Shan Tingye tried hard to move his feet to prove to her that he was really fine, but when he moved, there was a numb pain on the soles of his feet. The more he tried to move, the numbness would turn into a heart-wrenching pain. , Passing from the soles of his feet all the way up.

In just ten seconds, cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and Xiao Meimei, who stood in front of him, had more and more doubts in her eyes. Looking at Shan Tingye with her hand behind her, she subconsciously stretched out her head and thought Go and see.

  She finally knew why she thought his posture was weird, his arm...Yes! It's because of his arm!

  Since she came in, his arms have been placed behind him, as if he was supporting the whole body with his arms, so the whole person was slightly leaning back.

  This posture is very similar to the posture that people with injured **** or legs like to use.

  Plus he has never moved his position...

  "Brother Tingye, did you hurt your foot?"

  Xiao Meimei was nervous, instinctively wanted to reach out to touch his thigh.

   "I'm fine, don't touch me!"

  Shan Ting Ye Lao retracted his hand, stood up from the sofa, his face turned pale with a sigh, and his hand hanging on his side clenched into a fist.


  Yao, who was standing next to him, saw that he actually stood up, his eyes widened in shock, trying to say something, Jian Tingye glared at him, and he dared not say anything.

  "Brother Tingye..."

  Xiao Meimei was yelled by him, and she was stunned. She blinked her big crystal eyes and looked at him with some bewilderment.

   "I'm okay, Xiao Meimei, you can't just touch boys' thighs when you grow up." Shan Tingye looked at her panicked face, frowned in annoyance, and could only make a temporary excuse.

   "I didn't touch a boy's thigh casually, I just wanted to touch you..." As soon as Xiao Mei said beautifully, she was taken aback. She stared at Shan Tingye and quickly explained.

   "Brother Tingye, I didn’t mean that, I mean I was worried about your feet, your face is ugly, and you keep bending your knees, I..."

  Facing Shangdan Tingye’s deep black eyes, she choked.

  The light in his eyes, following her unintentional words, turned into a deep pool, staring at her without turning.

  Looking at her slightly opened small mouth, his long fingers stroked her cherry lips, and the corners of her mouth evoked a smile.

   "Well, I see, you are not deliberately molesting me, you molested me unintentionally, I won't blame you."

  Xiao Meimei: "..."

  Capitalized 囧!

  Her cute little face instantly burst into red. Seeing his playful gaze, she moved her lips but couldn't say a word.

   was sluggish for half a minute, before regaining his senses, he reached out and thumped Shan Tingye's chest.

   "You are making fun of me on purpose!"

  Originally it was just a light punch, Shan Tingye could avoid it by moving his body, but he couldn't move his feet, and being pushed by Xiao Meimei, the whole person fell back!

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