"any solution?"

  Shan Tingye's words fell, everyone turned their heads to look at him, wishing to hear the answer right away.

   He ticked the corner of his mouth and opened his lips faintly, "You will know tomorrow."



  The next day.

  Early in the morning, Xiao Meimei crawled out of the bed, stretched out her hand to comb and combed her soft long hair, turned over and got up, and changed her clothes.

  Simple white shirt, washed white jeans and canvas shoes, she carried her bag on her back and was about to go out.


  The phone on the table rang suddenly, and she turned her head and glanced, startled, before reaching out to pick it up.

  Shan Tingye’s magnetic voice came from the phone, "I will let the driver wait for you downstairs, and we will leave after having breakfast together."

   "Okay." Xiao Meimei cleverly responded, and then hung up the phone. She turned her head and glanced at the "home" that hadn't been back for many years, her eyes slightly sad.

  The family portrait on the wall is still what she looked like when she was three years old. In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed, but it is a pity that she is the only person who came back this time. It would be nice if her parents were willing to come back.

  Xiao Meimei blinked her eyes and let out a long sigh. She has to work hard and strive to stay. As long as she can stay, her father and mother will definitely come back.

  Xiao Meimei locked the door and walked downstairs. When she reached the gate of the community, she caught a glimpse of a black luxury car parked on the side of the road, and walked quickly over.

   "Brother Tingye, your feet can't be too hard right now. You can't use them to pick me up. I know how to get to GW."

  "Get in the car, I know there is a good breakfast shop nearby. It is a Chinese food. You should like it." Shan Tingye pushed the car door and motioned her to sit next to him.

   "Okay!" Xiao Meimei was taken away from the topic at once, and her eyes started to glow when she heard something to eat.

  The car drove steadily on the road. I haven't seen each other for too many years. As long as two people sit down, there will be endless topics.

   Shan Tingye is not good at words. Most of the time, she just listens quietly, listening to where she has been in the past 15 years, and what fun things she has experienced.

  Even two people entered the breakfast shop.

  Shan Tingye sat elegantly in his seat, slowly taking a sip of the milk in his hand, and squinting, quietly listening to her talking about her latest trip.

  "...That time was really dangerous. If Dad hadn't found a cave where we could escape the wind and snow, we might have died in an avalanche!" Xiao Meimei sighed.

  Her clean little face, with a hint of blush, while talking, she happily ate the dumplings in front of her.

  After chewing a few mouthfuls, his satisfied eyes lit up, and after a few more mouthfuls, his big beautiful eyes were narrowed.

   "Eat slowly, no one will fight you."

  Dan Tingye pulled out a tissue, wiped the juice from the corner of her mouth, with a petting smile on the corner of her mouth.

  I caught a glimpse of her red lips, and unconsciously passed the scene where the two people fell on the sofa yesterday...His hand touched his thin lips unconsciously.

  If Jiang Nan hadn't appeared suddenly, he would have been unable to help kiss her yesterday, how would she react?

  Thinking about this, Shan Tingye's eyes gradually deepened, and he stared at her without turning.

  Fifteen years, she has changed a lot. A neutral dress still can't conceal the tenderness of her little girl, but there is a touch of casualness, which makes people unable to look away from her.

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