As soon as his voice fell, a burst of horrified exclamations broke out in the classroom!

  GW’s business school is a well-known school. Successful entrepreneurs who have gone out from here have spread all over the world. Therefore, the business school has also established an elite class. Students who can enter this class are all outstanding students at the genius level.

  Among them, Shan Tingye is the representative.

Although   Youyou is a skipper, in this elite class with two skippers out of three students, it can only be regarded as excellent.

  Not to mention Jiang Nan, who has always been a fool, he will only take the exam seriously if the professor wants him to drop the subject.

  In the class, only Shan Tingye can truly admire everyone.

  As a student, good grades are almost the source of all privileges. Therefore, in a classroom where almost everyone has the same table, only Tingye Shan can stay in a position by the window all year round and sit alone.

  Even if the classroom of each course changes, everyone is accustomed to giving up the position that belongs to him, and no one dares to bother.

  He didn't need to say a word at all.

  Now, because of a new transfer student, he took the initiative to allow her to sit next to him...

  In the calm classroom, it was as if a huge boulder was dropped from a deep pool, and a stormy sea was instantly set off!

  Even the dean who was standing on the podium glanced at him unexpectedly, and confirmed in a surprised tone, "Ansel, are you serious?"

  Ansel, is the English name of Shan Tingye, and also the name used by Shan Hanxi in GW.

  At this moment, Shan Tingye was slowly standing up from his seat, his indifferent eyes softened unconsciously when he looked at Xiao Meimei in front of the classroom, and he just faintly smiled when he met her puzzled eyes.

   Then, he looked at the dean of teaching, "Of course, I never make a joke."


  Shan Tingye said this sentence, and the teaching director was stunned, but there was a sound of inhalation in the classroom.

  It turns out that everything is not an illusion. Their high-cold male **** has really spoken, and he invited a new classmate who has just transferred to be his deskmate.

  For a while, everyone's surprised eyes turned from Shan Tingye to Xiao Meimei and looked at her again from start to finish.

  Beautiful, is very beautiful, the kind of oriental beauty, even a simple dress, can not hide the beauty.

  But, the problem is with that suit.

  Washed and whitish jeans can’t even be seen as they are, not to mention what brand of clothes it is. The shirt is also an ordinary shirt, and there is no valuable thing from head to toe.

  At first glance, she is not a wealthy daughter. Why does such a girl attract Shan Tingye’s attention?

  "Okay, well, everyone is quiet, classmate Yu Xin, sit down at your seat, we are ready for class." The professor of economics urged, looked at the dean of education, and the dean of education left.

  Xiao Meimei held the new textbook she had just received, and walked toward the position beside Shan Tingye in response to everyone's gaze.

   walked to him, but did not take a seat, but lowered his voice, "Brother Tingye, it doesn’t matter if I sit behind."

  She didn't even think about it, just because of one seat, all the classmates were staring at her. Every time she took a step towards Shan Tingye, she felt countless eye knives flying towards her.

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