365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2643: Bai Zheng came back in person (5)

   "It's your father, who dare not stop me like this. I advise you to weigh your own weight." Bai Zheng looked at Shan Tingye in front of him, and a dangerous light flashed across his eyes.

  If it weren’t for Shan Hanjie’s life-saving grace back then, this stinky boy who dared to pull Xiao Meimei away in front of the reporter, he would definitely get down!

   "Uncle Bai, I know you seem to want Xiao Meimei to inherit the Bai Group. I think we can talk about this matter." Shan Tingye lowered his arm and spoke sincerely.

The cold and arrogant attitude constrained consciously in front of Bai Zheng.

  Not only because Bai is the king of the market, but also because he is Xiao Meimei’s father and his elder.

  "Are you talking to me?" Bai Zheng looked at him, raised her eyebrows, and smiled coldly, "Xiao Meimei is my daughter, why are you talking to me?"

   "I let Xiao Meimei enter the business school, and she fell in love with business management." Shan Tingye finally waited for the question he wanted, and indifferently raised his head to meet Bai Zheng's questioning gaze, every word.


  Bai Zheng's body stiffened slightly, watching him with a trace of inquiry, and after a few seconds of silence, he turned to look at Xiao Meimei next to him.

   "What he said is true?"

   "Huh?" Xiao Meimei was stunned, staring blankly at Bai Zheng who had thrown the topic to her at once, and could not speak.

   "He said you like business management, isn't it true?" There was a trace of expectation in Bai Zheng's eyes, and he fixedly looked at Xiao Meimei.

  For so many years, he guards day and night, dare not let Xiao Meimei come into contact with the fifth choice, just know that Xiao Meimei likes medicine, but has no interest in doing business.

  Even if he takes her to travel everywhere and let her contact the management of the Bai Group, she will always be a well-behaved and obedient appearance. She does not object, but never takes the initiative.

  He knew that Xiao Meimei didn’t mean to disobey him only because she loved her father. She had never liked everything he wanted to give her.

  The words of Shan Tingye just now were nothing more than poking his most sensitive nerve.

“I’ve never thought before that business management can also be so interesting. The professors of the business school taught me a lot of things. Brother Nicholas also told me many examples of Shan’s group. I think that managing a group is actually the same as before. The imagination is different, I want to stay and continue learning."

  Xiao Meimei raised her head, opened her mouth cautiously, and memorized the lines Shan Tingye had previously taught her verbatim.

  Growing up, it was the first time that she felt so guilty about telling lies. For fear that Bai Zheng would not believe it, she didn't even dare to blink her eyes, and her hand hanging beside her clenched into a fist unconsciously.

   "Just taking classes here for a few days, did you like business management?" Bai Zheng's eyes flashed, his eyes flashed over the three of them, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

  He can lead the Bai Group to glory in such a short period of time. Vigilance is the most basic thing. He is not so foolish.

  "If Uncle Bai doesn’t believe me, he can call the professor of the business school. He once praised Xiao Meimei for his talent in economic theory class. As long as he is interested, Xiao Meimei will stay here and make faster progress."

  Dan Tingye stood upright, with no trace of lying on his handsome face.

  Bai was staring at him for a long time before constricting her eyes, turning to Xiao Meimei, and suddenly said, "You can stay here and continue studying, but I have one condition."

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