365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2645: Embarrassing conditions (2)

  Bai is like a master of negotiation, slowly taking the initiative into his own hands.

  San Tingye stood by, frowning tightly, looking at Xiao Meimei's entangled face, and wanted to go up and hug her distressedly.

  But he can’t. Bai Zheng doesn’t like everything about Shan’s family, including him.

  If he helped Xiao Meimei at this time, it would only make Bai Zheng more determined to take Xiao Meimei away.

  He can only endure.

   "I want to make it clear, I want to stay." Xiao Meimei nodded heavily, her pretty little face full of firmness.

   "I'll give you ten minutes, I'll wait for you outside first." Bai Zheng nodded with satisfaction, glanced at Shan Tingye and Jiang Nan, dropped a sentence, and stepped outside.

  As soon as his figure disappeared, several people in the living room let out a long sigh of relief.

  "Xiao Meimei, how could you promise Uncle Bai just now? You are like agreeing to be the heir of the Bai Group." Jiang Nan walked back and forth in the living room anxiously.

"How to do how to do?"


  Xiao Meimei was also very upset, her head drooping, she didn't know what to do.

   Shan Tingye's expression has been faint, as if this result can't affect his mood.

  He stepped up to Xiao Meimei and squeezed her cheek with his long fingers.

   "In fact, Uncle Bai just wants a promise, not for you to make immediate results, you first promise him, do as he says, and you can leave the rest to me."

   "...what do you mean?" Xiao Meimei was taken aback, looking up at him suspiciously.

   "Brother, do you want to handle the company's affairs for Xiao Meimei, so that she can have time to study medicine?" Jiang Nan was shocked and looked at him in surprise.

   Shan Tingye's mouth raised slightly and nodded.

  "It's not a full help, but I can teach you to complete the task in the shortest time, so that it won't affect your learning of medicine from Uncle Fifth."

  Shan Tingye retracted his hand, his black eyes revealed a touch of calculation.

  "Aunt Mingmei did not come back with Uncle Bai, that is, Uncle Bai will definitely not stay here for a long time. When he is not there, it will not be difficult for us to hide from the sky."

   "If Uncle Bai knows what you think, I'm afraid he will be discounted and beat you back." Jiang Nan lay on the sofa, propped his head with one hand, and couldn't help joking.

   "But I don't care about this, as long as Xiao Meimei can stay, I will be happy."

Shan Tingye glanced at him, his eyes darkened, and then he closed his eyes and looked at Xiao Meimei, "Don't worry, go back with Uncle Bai. I will also attend the charity dinner next month on behalf of the Shan Group. Don't worry. No one is with you."

  Xiao Meimei nodded, knowing that she could continue to study medicine, and then left with confidence.

"Master, I’m afraid that Mr. Bai’s coming back cannot be kept from the fifth genius doctor. If he knows that Mr. Bai’s return has not taken Miss Meimei, he will surely guess what conditions Miss Meimei promised. When the time comes, I’m afraid it will be blamed. Do you need your subordinate to explain to him first?"

  Yao saw Xiao Meimei leave, walked to Shan Tingye's side, and asked respectfully.

  "Not for the time being." Shan Tingye constricted his eyes, thoughtfully.


  Unexpectedly, Bai Zheng left the next day.

   "What the **** is going on, Uncle Bai really left, just left like this?" Jiang Nan looked at Xiao Meimei who was sitting in front of them with a smile and reporting the situation, eyes full of disbelief.

  If he hadn't just woke up, he really wanted to pinch himself to see if he was dreaming.

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